Too Hot? Turn Off the Central Heating

Understanding the Heat Impact: Eczema and Central Heating


Clarifying eczema as a chronic condition.

  • Identifying triggers: Heat & central heating’s role.
  • Why people with eczema might be considered ‘hot-blooded’.

I never thought that the combination of having a carpet in the living room and the central heating on, would make a difference in whether I would have an eczema flare-up or not.

But it did…Big TIME!

In the end, a couple of my friends took off the carpet from my floors. And the scratching died down, til I put on the central heating…

Basically, central heating gives off dry heat. If you already have dry skin or eczema, you will find yourself getting uncontrollably itchy and even hotter than you already are.

The average eczema sufferer is at least a couple of degrees hotter than the average person. What may be hot for that person, will seem much hotter to you.

So what must you do? Lower the thermostat?

No, even better than that –

Too Hot? Turn Off the Central Heating

  • The correlation between high temperature and worsening eczema symptoms.
  • Eczema patients’ sensitivity to central heating.
  • How switching off the central heating could alleviate discomfort.

For years, I’ve had my central heating switched off, but still kept on the hot water for baths, etc.

This has made all the difference and I don’t have scratch-fests at home anymore.

So what are the alternatives?

  • Alternatives to heating homes and maintaining a stable, cool environment.

It’s very simple…just wear warm layers of clothing. I tend to wear a t-shirt or vest under my blouses or jumpers at home.

That way, if I still get hot, I can take off a layer at a time.

My bedroom and hallway are at least 2 degrees colder than the living room and kitchen.

I have a 2 throws which I put on top of each other over my sheets for my bed. That way, I don’t get too hot. One is nylon, the other is thick cotton. My sheets are cotton as well.

It’s better this way. I can keep cool for sleeping purposes.

You see, the thing is, you don’t want to be too hot in bed. Otherwise, you could end up scratching a lot at night. Which doesn’t help with the healing process of your eczema.

Even though my bedroom is much cooler, I still don’t have the central heating on there.

And I’m absolutely fine.

Age has nothing to do with this. I’m 59 this month November, and I still am very hot-blooded.

Maintaining Comfort in Cooler Conditions: Tips and Tricks

  • Strategies for staying warm without relying on central heating.
  • Why appropriate clothing and bedding materials matter.

I’ve already spoken about this in above section …

All you need do is put on layers of cotton clothing. Peeling them off if you get progressively hotter in your own home.

Cotton throws and sheets, keep you cool at night so you don’t itch.

Even cotton jumpers or cardigans are useful items of clothing to have.

  • Importance of maintaining the right indoor humidity.

Indoor humidity is something that several of my friends have suggested I do something about. The only thing is that I have a slightly damp flat. I don’t want to do anything that may make the situation worse.

If your flat is not damp, then keeping a small bowl half-filled with water, near the radiator will help put back moisture into the air in your home. That way, you won’t experience having a dry throat and mouth, because the air is dry.

Analyzing the Ecological Impact: Low-Heat Living

  • Environmental benefits of reducing central heating usage.
  • Reducing energy consumption and its impact on your wallet.

I have noticed that my gas bill is quite low as I use electricity for my cooker and don’t use gas except for keeping my water hot for showers and baths, washing up, etc.

This is quite useful. But on the other hand, if you have a large house, keeping the central heating off may not be a wise option.

In this regard, I suggest using an oil heater as I find I do not experience an itch-fest when one is on. Oil heaters give off a different kind of heat that does not leave one feeling itchy.

Which can only be a good thing, can’t it?!

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