Argiletz clay is useful in so many ways for people with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It is a clay that contains minerals and feeds the skin with them while at the same time removing toxins.
Eczema on my leg healed fast without scars. I am well pleased and I am sure you will be too as you read on…

Product Name: Argiletz Clay
Website: Amazon
Company and Location: Argiletz Clay, France
Price: Starts from £7 Highest Price: £12
It comes in various colours ranging from white to brown. Each colour signifies what it can be used for and the mineral content in the clay, eg, the red clay has plenty of iron, the green clay is for detoxifying the body and the white is for sensitive skin. Argiletz clay also comes in sizes ranging from 300g to 1.5kg.
You can also buy Argiletz clay impregnated bandages and toothpaste for sore gums and sensitive teeth.
How to Use: 
As a face/body mask: For small to large parts of your body, make 1/2 cup of clay paste. Simply mix the 1 cup of clay with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and mix with enough water to make a smooth thick paste. This is best done in the evening.
For the face, leave the paste on for 5 minutes just before it dries. For other body parts especially with eczema, wrap with cling film followed by bandages and a cotton top you don’t mind getting messy. Tubifast bandages can be prescribed by your GP and are excellent for holding the cling film in place and keeping the clay paste moist.
Rinse off the clay with warm water the following morning. Then moisturise with either olive oil or raw shea butter. You only need to apply clay paste to your body until your body heals.
You may see a dramatic change for the better almost immediately.
As time goes on, apply a thinner paste.
As clay water: Mix one tablespoon into a glass of pure water and leave overnight. Next morning, drink the clay water but not the clay. It is highly mineralised clay water and helps to firm the gums and get rid of parasites in the body.
Personally, I used the green clay daily when I suffered from wet eczema on my leg. It was extremely itchy and sore, to the point I was limping.
I made a big batch of clay paste and applied it thickly to my leg. Then I wrapped it in cling film followed by bandages. The bandages were held in place with leggings and then I wore trousers. Seems like a lot of hassle, right? Extreme skin conditions call for extreme action.
- Fast and effective
- Can be used on all skin types including sensitive
- Cheap price
- Safe to use and is edible
- Can be really messy and time consuming to apply, depending on how large the eczema patch is
- Can be hard to find as very few shops stock the entire range
- Quite drying to the skin hence the need to mix with an oil and a little water to make it easy to rinse off.
Argiletz clay is very soothing for skin conditions and is very effective for healing scars. The price ranges from £7-12 and is extremely cost-effective.
You also do not need any special skills to apply the clay and it is useful for all skin types.
These days, the clay only seems to be found online at Amazon. It is rare to find the entire range of clay pack sizes and toothpaste in health food stores. However, the large clay pack sizes (1.5kg) last a long time so you won’t have to go and buy it every week.
Overall Rating: 9/10
Yes, you may say I’m biased, but hey, I don’t limp anymore! If you suffer from eczema or any other chronic skin condition, which can be very demoralising, I suggest you buy Argiletz clay for yourself. It is worth it.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them here…I will be pleased to answer them.
Hi thanks for the recommendation. I have suffered from psoriasis for years and although it is mostly under control, it sometimes does break out and needs treatment. I’m always on the lookout for natural products to improve this chronic skin condition and will definitely give this a try. Thanks again
Hi Amanda, I’m glad that this information has given you some insight as to how to manage the psoriasis. The clay definitely works and is my go to when having a flare-up. However, to get your skin normal again, I would also suggest a bowel cleanse which makes a big difference to your allergies, if you have any.
All the best!
Both our 11 year old and 5 year old have suffered from eczema in the past. We tried so many creams and lotions without much relief. I have never heard of Argiletz clay before. If we move to Eastern WA it is likely to return I will definetly be following your website for more information.
Thanks – yes Argiltetz clay works fast, so hope you can get some for your children..
Hi Stella, thanks for pointing this clay out. I have minor issues with psoriasis but I am conscious of it and it never looks nice. I used my own urine once before just the morning middle stream on a tissue and then soak the infected area. It always seemed to work but I guess not everyone is keen to put there urine on their skin. I will give this a try. Thanks
Hi Hendrik, only you can know what is best for your skin…If urine works for you and you are benefiting from the results, don’t suddenly change! I used clay to get rid of scars, but it is drying to the skin. That is why I mix the clay with oil as well as water. It is a method that has dramatic results.
If the psoriasis keeps on returning, then it might be something you are eating that flares it up…or does it come up when you are stressed? Take some time to find out why and you may find the answer on my pages..”Less Is More”…
Take care Hendrik and wishing you all the best!
It is so good to know that there is a product such as this that is so helpful in helping to have healthy skin. I wrote a article many years ago on taking care of your skin because it is so important that we take care of our skin. This is the first time that I have heard of this product but it is good to know that there is a product to take full advantage off. I am sure that your readers will find this to be so helpful.
Yes, Norman
Keep on with your articles! Clay is natural and works. Not enough people know about it. It was one of the first products I used when I had eczema on my leg. My leg totally healed by using Argiletz clay.
That’s cool. My nephew suffer from very dry skin. I need to get this for him. Do you know if it is safe and work for a toddler? His mom tried everything and even have prescribed ointment for him but I don’t think it works well. He still has flaky skin. Poor little guy.
Hi there, I did mention that if a person has dry skin, they need to use moor mud which is more moisturising.
Clay dries out the skin and is best used on wet eczema. Use aloe vera gelly mixed with olive oil. It will heal his skin. Also shea butter is good as it is a balm and a little goes a long way.
Always do a patch test first on skin that is normal.
Hi Stella,
I believe you made an in-depth research about Argiletz Clay before recommending it. As I can the price is affordable, not like many of those MLM overpriced products. Have you personally or some of your friends used it? Or you just made your own research of the product? Are there any other products like this one or is it the best one to recommend? Thank you.
Hi Rufat,
I have used Argiletz clay for more than 15 years. It definitely works and is very safe. It can be used to get rid of long standing scars. It is also very soothing…
Argiletz brand is the only one with at least 5 different colours of clay – from white to brown and yellow, pink. Each colour stands for the amounts of mineral in each one. All natural and sun-dried. White is for sensitive skin, green is for detoxing.
You can buy it in varying sizes from 300g to 3kg.
Hi, this is really great. I have a friend and a niece who could really use this. They have been suffering on some kind of eczema for some time. It comes and goes but never really go away forever. This might just be what they need to get rid of it once and for all. Thanks.
Hi Sheila,
If your friend and niece get eczema regularly, it is better to clear it from the inside with bowel cleansing. It is more permanent and thorough.
You will need to do a gentle herbal cleanse for 2-3 months at least twice a year.
If you want to have more information on how to do this, just let me know.
My son is really into clay and i have been researching to find some solid ones. Not only are good ones hard to find but I’m grateful that i found this post!
The argiletz clay does look like a good one to try and will be definitely checking it out on amazon through your link.
Thank you so much!
Hi Barry,
I still have an issue with my links at the moment, but for the record, Argiletz is a top brand of French sun dried clay
You can still get it from Amazon.
Hi Stella, thanks for sharing tips to solve a major problem we youth of nowadays have. I suffer from eczema anytime I change cream and I have tried several things in clearing them but most of them clear it leaving scars.
Thanks for this recommendation, I’ll definitely try it out and I hope it works for me. I am well pleased with the functions of Agiletz clay. Thanks again
Hi Lok,
Argiletz clay is French green clay that has been sun dried. It is a major brand and the green kind is particularly for using on eczema patches. You can also use white Argiletz clay for more sensitive skin..
The clay is also beneficial in accelerating the healing of scar tissue.
If you have any further questions, do let me know.
Hi there! I do suffer from eczema from time to time especially around my finger. It started one day, it would be healed after I apply the ezema cream but it will always come back same spot always. Will argiletz clay heal that completely? Or it will come back again? However, I really prefer the clay rather than the chemical ointment that I use, god only knows what is in it. When will you see the result? Thanks for the pros and cons 🙂
Is there something your finger is coming into contact with causing eczema on that spot? That could be the trigger. You did not say if you have dry or wet eczema. If dry, you need to mix the clay with an oil that suits your skin.
Clay works very fast if left on overnight. You will see a difference after the first application. If you have anymore questions, just let me know..
Hi stella, This is a great review of Agilietz Clay product. Is this product available in India? I need one of those and I believe this will be useful for wet eczema which is serious issue for lower body. I found this product has some pros and cons. But comparatively it has no side effect. I think this product will also be useful for those who are seriously suffering for different types of eczema and not getting any perfect solution. Thanks for sharing this information.
You should be able to get it from Amazon…French green clay is another name for Argiletz brand. It is very beneficial for wet eczema and will absorb toxins in the skin while giving it beneficial minerals like silica.
Let me know if you need any more help finding it online.
Thank you for publishing this great post on arguments clay! I had not heard of it before but was looking for something that would help my nephew who suffers with really bad excema. This looks like it might do the trick so I will definitely let his mum know about this
Hi Chris,
I am glad about your interest in Argiletz clay…Your nephew will definitely benefit from it if he has wet oozing eczema..
If you need any more help on it’s use, just let me know.
Hi Stella,
I am so sorry to hear about your eczema and how it affected your life. Thank you for putting this very informative website together, I am so happy to have found it.
My dad had eczema had several bouts of eczema in his life, and is in the middle of one at present. So I was doing a bit of research to see what treatments were available, since I don’t know anything about it personally.
Your clay article reminded me of a trip to the Dead Sea, where I covered myself in black mud! This was so much fun. I’ve been to spas once in a while, and I agree about the skin benefits, even if one doesn’t have eczema.
Looking into your various proposals… I know my dad isn’t the kind who will use any clay, or make any changes to his diet. However, he’s a happy pill popper. So I’m considering the supplements you’re suggesting. Maybe as a gift for Father’s Day coming soon!
Between Primrose oil and Amino acids, which would you give priority for starters?
Hi Phil,
It is the pills that are causing his eczema – man-made supplements.
I would recommend Forever Living brand of Aloe Vera drinks and also Aloe Gelly by the same company. Find out about a distributor in your area.
It is a pity your Father only likes to supplement and not do the cleanse. He is suffering for nothing as his skin can return to that of a baby and I am not exaggerating!
Please read the rest of my posts on the site.
As for your query, it is best to take evening primrose oil with plenty of salmon as you can calm the inflammation down that way. Salmon is the better fish over mackerel to calm inflammation down.
Also, please get your Dad to wean himself off sugar and dairy (milk products). Keep researching as to what to feed his body with supplement wise.
Wheatgrass juice in cucumber smoothies will restore his skin back to normal tone.
Best of luck to you!
Hi Stella, very helpful and informative article. I did not hear about this product so far but this is definitely something I should get. My backs are covered with eczema and there was no product I did not try but eczema always return. Agilietz is very cheap so I don’t have what to lose, thanks a lot for sharing such a helpful product.
That’s alright Daniel,
I once had a friend who suffered eczema on the same place…He used to eat a lot of dairy and he also smoked. Also he was on daily medication for something else.
Keep reading the other posts on mu site to find out more….Remeber, diet and bowel cleansing is key to keeping on your eczema at bay.
I’ve heard about these face and body masks but never had it done.
I’m not so sure I would want to do a full body mask, but for certain conditions on the body it would make sense being that it helps skin conditions.
I guess if you have eczema it can be really uncomfortable and you would most likely do anything to relieve the symptoms.
The bottom line is to do whatever it takes and if argiletz clay works, then go for it!
Does it clear up eczema where it won’t come back again?
Hi Rob,
If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle and eat junk food, yes the eczema comes back again. However, if you eat healthily and do periodical bowel cleanses, you can stay on top of it.
My skin was clear for 16 years during my teens and early twenties because I did not take medication for long term. At present, I am and I have to stay on top of my game…
A good rating you have here for this argiletz clay. I have not heard much about it but now you say it has different colours, it seems to me like I might have seen some people use it at the beach before but thought it was just a thing they did. I should get this clay and use it for myself as well. Thanks
Hello Suz,
Yes, this brand of clay comes in different colours – ranging from white, all the way to brown. The good thing is that it is relatively quite cheap yet very effective for skin repair and rejuvenation. The green Argiletz clay is also edible and used for detoxification. A little goes a long way. It is also good for sore gums and mouth ulcers…
Hello Stella, its really amazing how these things can be of real benefits and I haven’t seen anything like this before until now. Seeing how useful to humans such clay is, I’m happy it comes at a cheap price and its available for everyone to make use of always. Also the fact that it goes with every skin type is really good.
Hello Justin, I get the impression you must be smiling from ear to ear by now!
Yes, it’s great that French Argiletz clay is very cheap yet effective for repairing and rejuvenating skin of all types. The green kind is also edible and can be used on sore gums and even mouth ulcers.
My mother uses it whenever she gets sore gums. She hasn’t got a sweet tooth but has very sensitive gums. Using the clay has helped her a lot.
It doesnt really matter how time consuming and stressful this is proving to be, I value the information you have shared here. This Argiletz Clay could be my skin saviour. I haven’t been really lucky against eczema and I always seem to have a way of getting it around my body and especially in my face. So definitely this is worthy to see here. Thumbs up to you
Hi Nath,
If you have eczema on your face – it’s in direct relation to how often you move your bowels. This means you are more likely to be constipated than not. Once you visit the toilet after every fibre-packed meal, your face will get better.
This is my first time hearing of argiletz clay but I’m inclined to believe it works due to how you have broken it down in your article and also the different testimonies and opinions of people who have used the product. Nevertheless I’m hesitant to trying the product due to personal experience with all these type of products.
Hello there Beesean,
Clay is non-toxic so no one – not even children are allergic to it. For example, I drank clay when pregnant because I wanted a large baby. I got my wish granted. He wad completely healthy and 8 lb 11 oz. With a high apgar score. meaning his ears, eyes and brain were working just fine…You don’t need to be hesitant of using clay or scared…
It is always amazing to find stuffs that can work fast and heal your conditions without scars. Skin conditions are not to be taken with little hands as they can escalate to something really big and threatening in no time. Argiletz clay is a nice one, I see it to be fun to apply, so have fun while your healing up. Thanks for sharing
Yes it’s fun to apply….I once got a couple of my lady friends to apply it on my back where I couldn’t reach. They were surprised at the rate the scars healed. Great isn’t it?
Is Argiletz clay good for someone with highly sensitive skin? I have never tried applying clay on my skin as a body or face mask. I love taking care of my face and if it was not of its scarcity, I would definitely try it. I like how you used the bullet form for the pros and cons. Since it is so scarce what are the alternate products do you recommend that are mostly worldwide?
Yes, I used Argiletz clay for my very irritated and sensitive eczema and it healed it.
Now my legs and back are smooth and eczema free. The clay is also edible and heals sore gums and mouth ulcers. Even if someone is pregnant, they can drink clay water to produce a healthy sized baby.
Argiletz clay can be bought on Amazon and they ship worldwide. Clay is in every country, but there are varying types of clay and different processing methods used.
An alternative to clay is mud (not from your regular garden!) that is used for beautifying purposes. It is more expensive than clay, but is better for dry skin types. Mud is also more hard to find than clay.
Hi Stella, Argiletz clay is something I had never heard about, but now having read your article, I can see that it is a great natural alternative to drugs for treating sevre skin conditions. I am so glad that it has been the answer to your own skin problems and I’m sure that your article and Argiletz clay will be of great benefit to many other people. Best wishes, Jenni.
Hi Jenni,
What I like about Argiletz clay is that it comes in several colours;
White for sensitive skin, yellow for dry skin, rose pink for oily skin and also green for detoxing. You can also get it in brown.
Right now I have a stubborn patch of eczema on the side of my left foot. I have put a thick layer of green Argiletz clay on the patch, covered it with cling film so it doesn’t dry out.
Followed by a sock to keep the cling film in place.
I’ll wash it off tomorrow and repeat until the eczema patch disappears.
Thank you so much for posting this information. I have never come across argiletz clay and I think it sounds like a really effective treatment for eczema. My daughter has very bad flare-ups, particularly on her face and it makes her very self conscious. Her skin is extremely sensitive so would you recommend the white clay as a facial treatment?
I will definitely be buying some for my daughter to try. Thanks again
Yes Elaine, white French Argiletz clay is safe for your daughter’s face.
I must add that when eczema is on the face, it normally means that a person is constipated. If you subscribe to my email list, you will get 30 free juice and smoothie recipes that will help clear up eczema.
Please bear in mind that I have used all of the methods I recommend on my site.
The best combination of methods is bowel cleansing with vegetable juices, moisturising with olive oil and shea butter, and having moor mud baths before bedtime.
Try and steer clear of central heating as well. It is much better to use an oil heater as it heats up the room without drying the air.
hey stella,
thanks for the article! just read about Argiletz clay, and it seems like a game-changer for eczema. 😀
i actually have eczema on my arms, and the struggle is real. the constant itching is maddening. your story with the green clay gives me hope. gonna give it a shot!
the application process sounds a bit messy, but if it works, who cares, right? did you experience any side effects or discomfort during the process?
thx a bunch for the info! 🙂
Hey Matias,
Yes, using clay can get messy, but just apply it while in the bath or shower…
I make a thick creamy paste of clay mixed with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Add water a little at a time. Make sure to use a plastic spoon to mix and NOT a metal one as the clay could react to it.
I’ve been using clay since the 1990s and not had a reaction. If your skin is super sensitive, get white French Argiletz clay. It works very well.
I once had terrible eczema on my back and couldn’t reach so I asked my friend to apply it for me. She came back the next day and was amazed at the difference in my skin.
I had left the clay on, wrapped in cling film, then a bandage, then put on a T-shirt then went to bed.
I rinsed off the clay the following morning and my skin had healed 50%…
I don’t understand why more people don’t know about clay and it’s effects on skin. I have 2 books about clay – one by Raymond Dextreit The Healing Power of Clay.
Once you educate yourself about clay, you’ll be using it for every ailment you have!
This is the first time I have heard of drinking clay water and it helping to rid your body of parasites. I always thought that you could only apply clay to your body for cleansing purposes. This product looks amazing and I think I should try it for the price. My husband has terrible eczema on his arms, so I am going to try it on that first. Does the colour matter or are they all the same?
White Argiletz clay is for more sensitive skin, green clay for detoxing, rose pink for oily and yellow for dry skin.
Start with the white Argiletz clay first and remember to mix with a wooden or plastic spoon, when you mix the clay with water and extra virgin oil.
It should make a creamy paste. Apply thickly on his arms, then wrap his arms with cling film and leave overnight.
Rinse off the clay in the morning and rinse and repeat til he is clear
Meanwhile, have a pleasant week ahead.
I had no idea you could drink the clay water ! That is so interesting and something I definitely have to try! Winters herr in Sweden are really the situation where an extreme situation calls for extreme actions. So I’m boosting vitamins , minerals, and cooling with all skin issues the best I can. Thanks for a super informative post !
Yes, you can drink clay water…It’s even safe to drink for pregnant women. Gives them large healthy babies like I have.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post, there are many more on my site to read.
We have several family members that suffer from eczema, so I am always on the lookout for products and solutions to ease the discomfort. So I am very pleased that I came across this review on Argiletz Clay, a product that I have not heard of before.
It is interesting to see that the clay id available in different colours, to indicate the conditions that it is best used for. But are all the different clays suitable for eczema treatment? Or is there a specific colour that is best used for treatment of eczema and psoriasis? Thank you for clarifying.
Hi Line,
The best clay for eczema is white or green clay. The white is especially for more sensitive skin and is gentler than the green. However, I use the green for stubborn scaly patches of eczema.
At the moment, I have had a stubborn patch of eczema on my foot for a while.. I finally decided to do an overnight clay poultice – and wrap my foot in cling film so that the clay paste won’t dry.
I rinsed it off yesterday and my skin is so much smoother, softer and less itchy as a result. I will let it air dry for another day before applying the clay mixture again. Always remember to use a plastic or wooden spoon to mix the clay with – not a metal one, okay?
Hey Stella, your experience with Argiletz clay is truly inspiring to me.
I’ve been dealing with eczema and your review is making me seriously consider trying it out.
Can you share how long it took for you to see significant improvements?
And to everyone else, have you explored other natural remedies for skin conditions?
Clay is gentle yet powerful at the same time. I even also use Rhassoul Clay to wash my hair with…
You will see a difference from using the clay within one use. Especially if you do an overnight poultice. I once had terrible eczema on my back and asked a friend to paint some white Argiletz clay onto my back.
She came back the next evening after I had rinsed it off. She was amazed at how good my skin looked.
Right now I have a stubborn patch of eczema on the side of my left foot. I did the overnight poultice and the scabby eczema is thinning and becoming more flexible like normal skin. It has also become more smooth and less itchy.
I also put aloe vera gelly and aloe propolis creme on it and massage in to keep it supple and soft. Then I apply a little shea butter.
I loved learning more about this product that I never really thought of utilizing for a face mask or a beauty product. I would have thought that clay would only be utilized for art projects, but never as a beauty product. But it was so interesting to see how argiletz clay is used for face masks, and it actually works!
Yes, clay can be used for face masks, rhassoul clay can be used for washing hair, you can make an overnight poultice for chronic skin conditions, it can be used to reset bone fractures and even help with oily acne.
It is very powerful and the book – The Healing Power of Clay by Raymond Dextreit, explains all.
Maybe you should get it!
I have an odd question – Does it help with flea or mosquito bites? Or with bug bites in general? By the sound of it soothes skin, so techically it could. What do you think?
Well, that’s bound to happen if human being is in trouble, we will get creative some way or another no matter what.
Thanks for putting this together, this being the very first time I stumble upon review about green clay, & now I have even more questions. You say it’s fast & effective, plus it can be used on all skin types. What about frequency & consistency?
Is this something recommended to use once a month or could you do it every day? What’s the best practice? Any harmful side effects using clay? What happens if you use it regularly, do your body get dependant on it? Is it strictly for rehab only or could you use it as a protective measure before harmful skin condition could even develop?
Hi Henry,
Argiletz clay is non-toxic and can be used every day. The white Argiletz clay is for more sensitive skin. It can be used for everything from cold sores on the mouth to mosquito bites to re-setting bone fractures.
In the book – The Healing Power of Clay by Raymond Dextreit, he explains all the uses and benefits of clay. It is over 200 pages and there are testimonials by doctors using the clay on their patients and how they recovered from their ailment.
The book also explains how clay works which is the main question you are asking here.
You can use clay as a compress, mask, poultice to leave on overnight for chronic skin conditions or just for 10 minutes as a face mask. It is also good for getting rid of acne.
Any more questions, let me know and I’ll be ready to help you.
Hi Stella,
Thank you for this concise yet comprehensive review.
I’m a man in my early twenties and I have mild acne on my arms and back. You only mentioned eczema and psoriasis, so would you say that Argiletz clay would help me get rid of this acne?
I also stumbled upon the belly button oiling regime on your website, so I think I’m going to give that a go as well.
Yes Yusuf,
You can use green Argiletz clay for acne on your arms and back. Just mix apply the clay mixture using a wooden or plastic spoon. The clay paste should be creamy yoghurty in consistency.
Apply for 10 minutes only or before the clay dries then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Yes, the belly button oiling regime is good, but I found it made me hot…see how you go with that.
Your review on Argiletz clay is informative and intriguing. I’m curious to know if you’ve noticed any specific improvements in your skin since incorporating it into your routine? Additionally, have you experimented with different application methods for the clay? I’ve found that mixing it with natural ingredients like honey or aloe vera can enhance its benefits. Sharing your experiences with application techniques could be valuable for readers seeking optimal results. Thanks for sharing your insights on this natural skincare gem!
Well, right now I have been doing overnight poultices for the stubborn patch of eczema on the side of my left foot.
An overnight poultice is more effective than just leaving the clay on for 10 minutes before rinsing off. I have noticed that the thick scaly scabby area is thinning and becoming more flexible. It is also less itchy.
It has also turned from black to the colour of my skin which is brown. So Argiletz clay helps to tone the skin as well as heal quicker than without it.
My eczema patch is rapidly turning to normal skin and I am pleased about that.