Scalp Eczema Natural Treatment?

These pictures show how you can look within 2 years of cleansing your colon, liver flushing and adding vegetable juices to your diet.

Bear in mind that I ate raw food for 5 months when my eczema was at its worst in 2016. Fast forward 2 years later and though I was 54 in the picture on the right, I actually look like I’m in my early 40s!

skin back to normal

Forever Living Aloe Vera Shampoo and also the Aloe Vera Jojoba Conditioning Rinse

For my scalp, I used these products to clear my scalp of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

To clear your skin and scalp, you will need;

You will also need a 500ml bottle of olive or jojoba oil and also a packet of Dead Sea Salt.

The routine goes like this;

1  Spray your hair and head with warm to lukewarm water that has at least 1/3 cup of Dead sea salts in it.

If your head is sore with eczema patches this will sting slightly but don’t t worry… all you need to do is add a tablespoon or 2 of olive oil to the Dead Sea Salt water.

This combination very healing to the body and it also dries up the patches while it soothes your scalp.

2.  Then put a dollop of the shampoo into a jug of water, and proceed to wash your scalp and hair gently. You can add more shampoo to the mix, if your hair is long.

The ingredients of the shampoo are: aloe barbadensis Leaf juice and other naturally sourced ingredients from Forever Living’s organic farms in the United States. 

3. Rinse your hair after washing gently,  

4.  Then,  condition your hair with some diluted Forever Living conditioner from a plastic jug. 

5.  Leave the conditioner on your hair for about 10 minutes and rinse off. You can repeat this step if you like, but make sure you rinse your hair and scalp thoroughly.

Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise!

This part of the treatment is very important as you need oils on your scalp and hair so that your scalp can heal from eczema patches and any scabs..

  1. Rub a teaspoon or a tablespoon of oil between your hands and moisturise your scalp and your hair to the tip ends. Comb through. Then air dry.

The oil that I recommend is either olive oil or jojoba oil as they are non-allergenic oils. You can buy extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin jojoba oil from either a supermarket or health food store.  Make sure the oil is a good brand and that it is stored in a dark green glass bottle to prevent it from going bad. 

Another Tip. is an online store that specialises in natural and organic African hair and skin products. These are packaged by Akamuti and not your regular branded products that you find in the supermarket.

They are a just a little bit more expensive than what you normally buy in the supermarket.  What I find is that the quality is superior to what you find in the supermarket and it is worth the money you spend. You can use these products no matter your hair type.

If you are allergic to Forever Living shampoo or conditioner, because you are overly sensitive to 1 ingredient,  the next thing that I could recommend to you is use African black soap that is organic.

This is very, very gentle to the hair and it does not dry it out. It doesn’t contain perfume in it and is made from totally natural ingredients that will still clean your scalp without irritating it.

You can also buy organic shea butter from  All you need is just one block. It will last you for at least a month.

Shea butter is like an a solid block of skin balm What you do is break off a little piece of shea butter from the block and rub it in the palms of  your hands till it melts. Make sure you get the shea butter on the tips of your fingers and then apply the shea butter to your eczema scabs or eczema patches.

If you find the shea butter is too thick for you to rub in your palms, put your block of shea butter into a glass jar – like a small mason jar and then add half a cup of olive oil to the block in the jar. 

Put this in the oven on a low heat for 10 minutes or until the shea butter has melted into the olive oil. 

What will happen is that the shea butter and olive oil will mix together naturally and you will have what is more of an ointment than a solid block of shea butter that is hard to manage.

NB: Please beware of heavily fragranced shampoos and conditioners. Also use shampoo with as few ingredients as possible – even the natural ones! Why? Because one of the ingredients  could be the one that is irritating your scalp 

2.  Reduce your intake of sugar and floury foods, for example;

1   Biscuits

2.  Bread.

3.  Cookies.

4.  Cakes.

5.  Doughnuts etc.

3. Invest in a good juicer. For example, these brands are very good and hardy;

 Omega, L’Equipe or Hurom brands will juice leafy veg and hard fruit, leaving behind a drier pulp than you would get with a centrifugal juicer.

These type of juicers are slow-masticating, therefore do not heat up the juice as juicing is being done.  They are about $100 more pricey than your regular centrifugal juicer but they are stronger models and more sturdy. You will get at least 10 years use out of them if you take care of your juicer.  Plus, they are easy to clean!

If you are a person of colour (brown) you not need to wash your hair too frequently as otherwise you could dry your scalp out. I recommend, for those with scalp eczema, you wash your hair every two to three weeks.  When your scalp is totally healed, and the dandruff gone, you can change the frequency of hair washing to once a month…

Don’t worry, because you are only using natural products in your hair, you will not experience any build-up.

If you are a Caucasian or a white person, then obviously it would be better for you to wash your hair every 5 to 7 days so that the natural oils of your scalp can shine through your hair.  Ok? Do not wash your hair everyday, otherwise you could irritate your scalp and dry out your hair.  You could actually cause it to become more flaky….

Why?  Because your head produces sebum which is the name for natural oils produced by your body and it is the sebum from your scalp that conditions your scalp and hair.  Think of a plant in soil being fed by the nutrients in the soil to get a picture of what I mean…

How Long Do I Have To Keep Doing This Routine?

For you to see a big difference in your scalp eczema, its reduction and also hair growth You  should give this treatment at least 3-6-months, to see a difference. Hair grows slowly so do not expect overnight results when you’re treating your scalp eczema naturally.

Once every month or, every two months, do an oil treatment. This is very useful for your hair’s condition as well as your scalp and roots.

Hair and Eczema Scalp Oil Treatment

  1. Slightly dampen your hair with  Dead Sea Salt water then 
  2. Pour a 4oz cup of olive oil on your hair and scalp. Make sure that your hair is almost dripping with oil and that you oil your scalp very well.   Put a plastic bag over your head followed by a very warm damp towel.

The bag and towel combo steams your hair,  while at the same time trapping in the oil so that you don’t leave a trail of olive oil across your floor.

Keep the towel and plastic bag/cap on for at least 2 hours. If it causes you to itch or overheat obviously, you have to take this off.   It is best to use material that is suitable for the condition of your scalp. 

Then condition your hair and shampoo it as stated in my Scalp Eczema Treatment Routine

Just for the record, the ingredients of Forever Living Aloe Jojoba Conditioning Rinse are all naturally sourced from Forever Living’s organic farms in the United States. .

I had scalp eczema for 14 years and when I started regularly using the shampoo and conditioner from Forever Living, I never realised how good the shampoo was until 1 day after using the products for over 6 months, I  noticed my hair was completely free of eczema and flaking dandruff.

I have been completely eczema free for more than 4 years now and my hair has grown.  I have a big fat afro and my hair is thick and healthy.

I must admit diet makes a huge difference as well.  Make sure to drink plenty of water or green vegetable juice and always include garlic, ginger and lemon and two apples. For taste.  I vary the constitution of the juice or avocado smoothies I consume on a weekly basis. And  have between six to eight glasses of vegetable juice or smoothie daily for breakfast or at least 2 hours before I go to bed.

I do not take any multivitamins or use any special soaps or serums in my hair. The only thing that I use are the products that are mentioned here – olive oil or shea butter and Forever Living shampoo and conditioner.

Do You See How You Can Save A Lot Of Money On Hair Products?

To find out more about Forever Living products and what these products can do for you.

 Click Here.

I know that you may have tried lots of creams and lotions. Probably thinking this seems to be too good to be true.. But one thing I must say from personal experience, is that this routine works.  Whether you have dry scaly skin on your face or dry skin on your scalp accompanied by dandruff, you will find that if you use the Aloe propolis cream on your face it will be kinder than the prescribed treatments that contain steroids. You may need to apply the cream on your face at least three times a day.

Forever Living Shampoo and conditioner are kind enough for children’s skin and are also useful for all types of hair.   Please remember that these products  are only specifically designed for people with eczema although you can still continue to use the shampoo and conditioner even after your hair has regrown and your scalp is free of eczema.

To Discover More Information About Forever Living Products, Click Here

30 thoughts on “Scalp Eczema Natural Treatment?”

  1. Genes, hormones, illness, and stress have all been known to trigger scalp eczema in some people. Once I have identified what triggers my scalp eczema, I can find more effective ways to combat it. In my book, it is very important to moisture my scalp. And we can do this with oils so that our scalp can heal from eczema patches and any scabs.

    • This is true…Personally, I use olive oil and also castor oil on my scalp to nourish it.  I use olive oil every day as a  conditioner for my scalp and hair.  Sometimes, I add lavender essential oil to the mix to give off a nice smell.  

      It is also very relaxing.  Also using the Forever Living Aloe and Jojoba Shampoo and Jojoba Conditioner, I find that  my hair is cleansed yet left moisturised.  Hence no dandruff.  Their products really work well on all skin and hair types due to the truly organic ingredients…

  2. I always prefer natural treatment in healing many diseases and that what got my interest most in this article about scalp eczema natural treatment. Natural treatment always proves to be the best because in most cases, they don’t have any side effects on us. The scalp treatment routine you’ve shared here is very clear and straightforward with the products you recommend and all the safety precautions that one needs to follow while performing those routines. This is a very helpful post especially for people with scalps and thanks so much for sharing.

    • Hello Koko,

      Yes people need to be careful when using products on their scalp and hair so as not to damage them.  I share information on here  on methods that I have personally used and found that they work.

      This is how I get such good information to share with you.  Thank you very much for your compliments.  Much appreciated!

  3. This was a very informative and intelligent article. Again, I love how educational and insightful you are. You give a very thorough and comprehensive guide on how to clear scalp eczema.

    Not only do you give practical, helpful techniques but you also give a complementary dietary approach that enhances the quality of your post.

    I just think that you are a very, realistic and holistic individual who adheres to your niche. Thus, this is the type of article that every eczema suffer needs to read and then some. Awesome!

    • I’m glad you enjoyed reading this article Beth and thank you very much for your kind compliments.  I will try to keep this up as I do not want people to continue to suffer with this condition.

  4. I really love your article and have to thank you for this knowledge and for sharing. I will follow your advice and I will definitely follow the steps you’ve indicated.
    Many blessings to you&family

  5. Thank you for this information.  This will be a help for many including myself.  I have had this scalp problem since I was a kid and this can get embarrassing at times.   I have tried a lot of different things to no avail.  I am going to start this procedure tonight.  I am really excited to see if this works.  Thank You again for this wonderful article.   

    • That’s okay Justin.  I’m sure your scalp will get better as mine did after years of scratching at it.  The good thing about the Forever Living Shampoo and conditioner is that they do not dry out your scalp and hair in the process of washing it thoroughly.

      Let me know how you get on…

      Til then, take care.

  6. Hi Stella, 

    This is a really great article. Thanks for speaking from your own personal experience. It gives you so much authority on the subject. 

    I haven’t had eczema on my scalp but my scalp is very sensitive to almost every type of shampoo out there! I finally found one that works and I use it all the time now, which is great. If I don’t I can get boil-like and acne-like sores on my scalp. 

    I have had eczema on the backs of my arms since I was around 12 or 13. It is very annoying but I’ve learned to live with it. Do you have any recommendations for eczema on your arms? I have some jojoba oil here at home. I could give that a try. 

    All the best to you, 


    • Hello Beth,

      My whole site is about clearing eczema from all parts of your body…There are several posts on diets and juice fasting for flawless skin tone.  Cutting out sugar from your diet will make a huge difference to the look and feel of your skin. 

      Moor mud baths are also very useful in maintaining the suppleness of your skin.

  7. nice website, I have been struggling with eczema and love this website for the great information and the content. I use this website as a tool to stay up to date on the latest news about eczema and what to do with it. I suggest anyone else suffering with eczema to do the same.

    • Hi Mason!

      If you follow the guidelines for clearing eczema that I mention here, you will find that your skin health is boosted tremendously.  I am living proof and have helped a lot of people clear their skin from babies to adults.

  8. Hi there. I was just reading your article here, and although i dont have any scalp problems personally, I stll found it to be a great and interesting read all the same. I see that it requires Dead Sea Salt. Is this a Trade name or is it actually talking about salt from the dead sea? Likewise with the liquid black soap.

    • Dead Sea Salt is salt from the Dead Sea.  Liquid black soap is a description of that soap.  it is liquid and black, not a brand name…

  9. Salut!

    Ceea ce am aflat e uimitor!

    Daca as fi aplicat si eu aceste tratamente naturale pentru scalpul capului n-as fi avut eczeme si acum.

    Am inteles din articol ca nu e bine sa te speli zilnic pe cap,mai ales cu sampon.

    Am invatat multe si ca nu trebuie sa MA INSEL CA POT OBTINE REZULTATE IN CATEVA ZILE.

    E nevoie de 3-6 luni.Da, da in timp se formeaza un obicei complet automatizat.

    Poate dura si 6 luni.

    Multumesc mult!

    Cu respect


    • Hello Vasile, though I don’t understand what you have written here, I have left your comment up in good faith.  Other people who understand this could benefit from reading your comment.

      Thanks for the compliments though…I understood that…

  10. Wow, this is the first time that I have heard of this type of treatment, and from what you have said it seems to be a winner. My hair has been thinning for years and I guess that is because I am getting older but it is good to know that this treatment can work giving a full head of healthy hair. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Hi Norman,

      Please bear in mind that I also drink 6-8 glasses of vegetable juice daily.  Including such veggies as carrots, parsley, plantain, celery, cucumber.  With 2 apples for taste. The addition of avocado makes the blended juice beefier.  

      This is my standard breakfast and is very filling.

      I’m in my mid-50s and still have plenty of hair.  But then again, I’m a woman and we tend to retain our hair better than men.  (No pun intended!)

  11. This is a very helpful and informative post.

    Thanks for taking the time to tell your story in detail, so that you can give others hope that their eczema can be successfully treated.  My brother suffers from it, so I will certainly be forwarding him this post, so that he can follow your clear steps and hopefully free himself from the itch and annoyance.

    • Yes, eczema can be healed, but changing diet and going dairy free has to be taken into account.  After suffering from flare ups myself, I thought it necessary to help others gong through the same thing.  Hopefully, your brother will benefit from reading the articles posted on this site.

  12. This information was right on time as it’s getting cold where I am and my son tends to have dry scalp.  I’ve heard of and used African Black soap.  Does it matter what type (bar or liquid)? My brother suffered from eczema as a child and now deals with runner’s itch.  I wish we would have known about organic soaps and oils back then.  I will definitely share this post with him. Does Forever Living sell similar items for the body? And would the African black soup and jojoba oil work on the body as well?

    • African black soap can be used on the body and so can jojoba oil. Forever Living only sell Aloe vera-based drinks, lotions, creams and soaps.  They don’t contain the ingredients found in Black Soap, unfortunately.

      Here’s hoping you help your son out.  Read the other posts on my site to get more information as to how to cleasr his skin.

  13. What an incredible journey you’ve shared in overcoming scalp eczema! Your Scalp Eczema Regime is a practical guide filled with valuable insights. I appreciate the emphasis on natural, non-allergenic products, and your step-by-step routine is easy to follow.

    Your personal transformation from struggling with eczema to being eczema-free for over four years is inspiring. The specific product recommendations and tips, like the use of Dead Sea Salt water and the oil treatment, make your advice actionable.

    The holistic approach, combining external treatment with dietary changes and the caution against heavily fragranced products, is insightful. Your story serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking natural solutions. Thanks for sharing your success and practical wisdom!

  14. Hey, navigating scalp eczema is like a personal quest, and your journey through it is genuinely inspiring. The use of Dead Sea salt water and the detailed routine is not just a fix, but a holistic approach involving diet and lifestyle tweaks. 

    It’s like discovering the personalized magic formula for healthy skin and hair. Sharing these experiences feels like passing on a secret weapon to fellow warriors in the battle against scalp eczema.

    • Well the good thing is my scalp and hair are fine now and I’m thinking of getting my hair microlocked to save me detangling it every week.

      The methods I speak of really work and if people suffer from this ailment, they will see a massive difference to the condition of their scalp.

  15. I can truly relate to the struggles of dealing with scalp eczema, and your journey to find a natural solution is inspiring. The detailed routine you’ve shared seems promising, especially with the use of natural products like olive oil and Dead Sea Salt. 

    You mentioned the importance of moisturizing with oils. What made you choose olive oil and jojoba oil, and I wonder if their scent is easy to deal with, as I am quite sensitive to smells.

    • The scent of olive and jojoba oil is a bland one because they are not essential oils that have a natural fragrance.

      The olive oil I’m talking about is extra virgin olive oil that is used for cooking.  I use it for my skin and don’t smell so you have nothing to worry about.


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