Why Vitamix Blenders Are The Best

There are blenders and then there are BLENDERS

The Vitamix series of blenders helps you be creative in the kitchen, bringing your overall nutrition to a higher level…in a matter of minutesNot only are they known for being well-built and sturdy, but they can blend seeds, inner core and pith and skin of fruit and vegetables until completely smooth.

You instantly save money on buying extra vegetables and fruit just because you are using more of the plant. For example, pineapple, most people throw the core away.  Beneath the skin and within the core are more than 40% of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the pineapple contains.

Using a Vitamix, you can blend the pineapple including the core until smooth.  Of course, you will have to cut off the peel.

I have owned one for 9 years and it has never failed to help me be creative in making everything from nut milks to soups, sauces and spreads.  In fact I’m still learning something new about this workhorse every day.

Before that, I bought 4 different brands of blenders and found they never lasted long due to heavy use.  Even during this season of lockdown, my Vitamix came up trumps.  For three days straight I made a gallon of avocado smoothie and the aches and chills from the Covid Flu subsided.  I did not end up in hospital.


The Recipe?

1 cucumber

1 whole head of celery

1 medium avocado

1 small chilli pepper

1 small onion

1/2 inch of ginger root

1 kg bag of carrots

1/2 handful of parsley

1 lemon slice

1 raw plantain


Simply juice celery, carrots and onions, then pour juice into the Vitamix with the other ingredients and blend on low speed for 30 seconds, then on high speed till smooth.

As the jar is only 2 Litres, I made this blend once in the morning and a second time in the evening. I did not eat any solid food for those three days, but did not feel hungry as I had 16 glasses of avocado smoothie a day.  It tasted of plantain mostly, with a little fiery kick from the pepper.  

For those of you who want more protein – just add sunflower seeds to the mix…a 4oz cup will do fine.


Vitamix Blender Features;

  • 64 oz container for  large quantities
  • Variable speed control from 1-10
  • 7-year full warranty on parts, returns and shipping
  • Aircraft-grade blades tough enough to grind even flaxseeds
  • Cool running motor – consistent temperature maintains the enzymes in ingredients
  • Angled sides of container – designed to create a vortex for the ingredients to be smoothly blended by the blades.

Suitable for making:

  • nut milks using almonds, brazil nuts, etc
  • dressings
  • nut butters
  • avocado smoothies
  • cake mixes
  • pureed baby food
  • hot soup in 5 minutes

How To Use It

Simply place the 64oz container onto the motor (which should be placed on a flat dry surface).  Then put your ingredients into the container.  Put the black lid on the top, pressing down firmly to secure it. Then place the small transparent inner lid into the centre of the black lid and twist clockwise once.

There is a tamper supplied with the blender and this is used to stir ingredients  until smooth.  If making soup with the Ascent Series, just leave on for 5 minutes and the ingredients will heat up…The tamper should not be placed near the blades while the machine is on to avoid damaging it like I did once!!  Fortunately, this happened during the warranty time, so it was fixed and has been working as good as new since then.


Vitamix have come a long way since creating the Total Nutrition Centre and now you can get digitalized version in the Vitamix Ascent Series.  It is programmed to sense the ingredients you put in the blender.  This means that it will only blend for a timed period according to the quantity and density of what you want to blend.

Also, in the video below, the demonstrator put the tamper in the blender while it was on.  If you watch very carefully, he held it up to the side of the blender, above the blades.  I know this because of the angle he held it at…However, if you have better sight than mine, you can correct me.


What I Do Not Like About This Blender

The Vitamix Total Nutrition Centre is an impressive workhorse, the only downside seeming to be the price, which at £475, was very costly for me.  I paid for it in 2 instalments and received it once the balance was completed.


You can now get the Total Nutrition Centre for £349 and also the Explorian at £304 as noted at the bottom of this post.

What I Like About This Blender

The good thing is that this particular brand of blender has outlasted all 4 blenders of another make I had, so in the long run it looks as if you could actually save money.

It was only when I had delayed buying my spare juicer parts  that I realised how versatile my blender could be.  Meaning, I used my Vitamix in more ways than just blending. I used it at the low speed setting to food process my fruit vegetables and make salsa with it.

There is a 7 year warranty with this blender and all of the Vitamix series of blenders, except the refurbished ones.

So, if you want to save time on preparing food for your family, the Vitamix Total Nutrition Centre could well turn out to be one of the best items you buy for your kitchen.


Here is a Demo for You To See A Vitamix in Action


Rating; 9/10


For Your Information

Other Vitamix models to be viewed at ABestKitchen.com (price in dollars) and Amazon (UK prices)  are:

Or You Can Take Your Pick of Vitamix from here:


Please note that the Vitamix Ascent Series of Blenders is digitalized to a higher degree than the Explorian and Classic Series of Vitamix.  Hence the higher price tag.   The Explorian also comes with a smaller jar – 1.4L whereas the others come in at 2L.

So there you have it – all you need to know about this  mid-priced Vitamix blender is at your fingertips.  If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


50 thoughts on “Why Vitamix Blenders Are The Best”

  1. I just read this info on the Vitamix blender Stella and I need to update my old grinder as it really is very old so will go take a look via your link as this replacement is well over due and i’m looking to receiving my new one and mixing my smoothies etc

    • Hi Vicki, 

      I have sent you a personal email regarding your query…Basically, I am still working on my site affiliate links..

      Please be patient!

  2. I totally love the product already. You made an excellent case study. I also love the way you gave us both advantages and disadvantages so we are left to make our own choices. Good job. Is there a way I can order it from Nigeria? Does it blend dry seeds and leaves?

    • Hi there,

      Yes, a Vitamix blender can also be used for blending tough seeds and leaves.

      As it is a blender you will need to add some form of liquid though.  Like 1/2 cup of bottled water. Or even better, vegetable juice.

      You can order it from Amazon online.  Or better still if you travel for holiday to the States, buy it and take it on the return flight with you!

  3. Hi Stella, You have a site with a lot of good topics. I like the way you have set it up and made it easy to navigate. What are your feelings about Himalayan pink salt and salt lamps. I use this salt with my meals. Also once a month I fill my bath tub with a combination of baking soda, Epsom salts and Himalayan sea salt. 

    Your site is very informative and by the amount of comments you have received has helped some people. I found the cleansing methods for the liver very helpful.

    I thank you for giving me the opportunity to look at your site. I encourage you to do what you are doing. All the best,


    • Hi Micheal,

      I haven’t used Himalayan salts and baking soda in my baths before, so cannot comment on experience using it.

      However I do use Himalayan salt for cooking.

      As mentioned in my post, always do bowel cleansing first before liver flushing to prepare your body for the flush.

      Thanks for enjoying my articles.

      All the best!

  4. I have been looking to change my current blender and I found your review of the Vitamix total nutrition center.  I need to get some kind of nutrition system that will make my meals to go a little better and faster.  I think that you have convinced me that I should really consider getting one of these.  

    One downside is the price though.  Do you think, with all the years of experience you had with yours, that it is worth the price compared to a regular blender, and if so, what would be the major benefits?

    • Hi Denis,

      Every Vitaimix has a 7 year guarantee. My Vitamix motor cut out in the 7th year.  It got repaired and works brilliantly 3 years after the incident.

      I use my blender for making everything from almond milk to avocado smoothies containing parsley leaves and stalks. Everything gets ground smooth including nuts and seeds, like flaxseed in under a minute.

      You can make nut butters, dips and dressings as well.  I also made smoothies containing coconut oil, avocado and flaxseed and lost weight.  My nutritionist at the time told me the weightloss was due to eating a lot of healthy vegetable fats.  

      It was unplanned!

      A Vitamix is a workhorse compared to cheaper blenders. You can use it every day for years.

      If you have any further doubts Denis, feel free to ask me.

  5. I have to agree with you that a Vitamix is a great tool and worth the money! My husband and I got one 12 or15 years ago, and while we don’t use it every single day, we use it so much that we keep it out right on our kitchen counter.

    We use it for soups and spreads, and I sometimes make a kind of milkshake with milk or dairy-free milk, ice, and fresh fruit. My husband makes peanut butter in it and he also grinds wheat berries to make whole wheat flour for homemade bread from our bread machine. It was a big investment for us but it has turned out very well.

    • Too true Zana,

      I would not be without my Vitamix even on a holday.  

      Like yourself, mine is on the counter and I use it for making stews, almond or sunflower milk.  Juice and smoothies too.

      Vitamix are true to their 7 year warranty as well! It definitely is a workhorse worth splashing the cash on.

  6. I know some Vitamix owners and, like you, the only thing they didn’t like was the price  but as you pointed ourt, it’s durability and long life make it cheaper in the long run.nan excellent point.

    By “spare juicer parts” did you mean attachments or replacement parts. I wasn’t  quite sure. On the whole, you make  a pretty good argument in favor of Vitamix. What is your favorite dish that you make with it?

    • Hi there,

      I meant replacement parts.

      I also didn’t really mind the price because I paid for it in 2 installments..

      As for my favourite recipe it is SunAvo smoothie consisting of half-ripe plantain, carrot juice, 1 avocado, 1 green apple.  You can substitute a banana for the plantain.  It is mostly used for making smoothies and almond milk with goji berries.

      PS.  I have been coaching my friends about juicing and smoothies and the married ones have been conceiving after many years of being infertile!  Now that is priceless…

  7. I have never seen a rugged blender like this before. 9years warranty? So impressive! I managed to use a blender for three years. Although, the engine us perfectly okay but the plastic has broken a bit. I thought Gasa is the only long lasting product until I come across this vitamix. Can it be used to grind coconut or  beans?

    • Yes,

      The Vitamix family of blenders is rugged enough to grind coconut meat, beans and nuts and citrus fruit rind.

      You can use it to make nut butters, 2 Litre of smoothies, or 8 oz of coconut cream from coconut water and coconut.if you so wish. 

      For the record, I have only had to send my Vitamix in once for repair.. And they were true to their warranty. A bit like the Apple Mac of blenders.

      You can take your pick from the family series of Vitamix or from the professional series.  They are loved by people of all walks of life, including catering professionals.

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let me know and I will be pleased to help you out.

      All the Best,


  8. It’s a winner for homemakers to find an something that lasts for decades. Another thing is longevity of warranty. If the product gives you longer warranty then you got a higher chance that what you bought is a jackpot though it may not be applicable all the time. 

    Blenders are must have at home simply because of its functionality. I use it for making fresh juices but since I bought a juicer recently, I now make use of it for stews and filling, mainly for vegetables. I remember one time I had to grind coffee to make a powdery scrub and I used my blender.

    Vitamix has been a known brand for blenders. I believe it has gained popularity because of its durability. Thanks for sharing this!

    • Hi Missus!

      The Vitamix warranty is all the time during the life of the warranty.  You are advised on how to take care of it.  But it is of industry strength and made in the US.  

      It is worth the expense and I haven’t regretted it.

  9. Hi, Stella.

    Paul Mindra here from Canada.

    Thank you for your Vitamix Review. Totally honest, unbiased and bang on with the facts.

    I’ve had mine for over fifteen years now (The Super 500 Series).

    It seemed like a pricey purchase back then, but my unit serves me well right up to this day. I use mine a lot and love the versatility of it. Not only is it good for liquid applications, but it is ideal for grinding spices and such.

    If and when mine does finally become a dead work-horse, I’ll definitely replace it  with another vitamix. It is in my opinion, ‘Top Of The Line’ for the price.

    Kindest regards,


  10. Hi 

    You have clearly explained about the blender and how it works. Also, why the blender is good and that it has lasted a lot longer than the other blenders. The downfall is the price. To me the price is way too high but i would buy if I could also pay in more than two payments.

    I have a juicer and use it regularly with fresh and frozen foods.


    • Hi Tracey,

      Yes the price does seem steep at first… But I definitely do not regret buying it.  I was fortunate to find a compassionate Vitamix dealer who allowed me to pay in 2 instalments.  It was delivered to me after I had paid the rest of the balance. It took me a year to pay it off.  

      There are very few of those type of dealers nowadays.

      We live to learn!

      At least you have a working juicer.  Your body will thank you for it…

      All the best,


  11. Hi Stella, For years I have been satisfied with just a regular blender. That is until I was at a friend’s house and watched her prepare smoothies for all of us who were there using Vitamix.  I am glad I got to read about it and I need to get one, especially for the fact that I am doing more smoothies and vegetable juicing these days. Did you say 7 years guarantee? I am sold. Thank you. Is there a smoothie book you could recommend ?

    • Hi JJ,

      Good for you!  Vitamix are top notch when it comes to service.  

      Jason Vale’s books are highly recommended.  His “Funky Juice” book contains juices and smoothie blends.  Whether you like green juices or smoothies containing nutss, there is one for every occasion you would need it for.

      Tell me how you get on!

      Sincerely At It,


  12. I was considering buying a Vitamix blender in the last few weeks and I have read several reviews, this one certainly caught my eye. The level of detail you provided is excellent but like you say yourself, it is very expensive at £475, would there be any other lower cheaper priced alternatives that could do just as good a job in your opinion?

    • My Vitamix blender has outlasted all my other blenders and is still going strong.  I only needed to repair it once.  Vitamix are true to their guarantee because that was 7 years in.  

      It seems pricey at first, but anything cheaper will break on you.  Simply save the money for it and you will not be disappointed. 

  13. I have been looking for a high-quality blender for a while now. A friend of mine suggested that Vitamix is one of the best blender brands out there and I thought of checking it out.

    9 years you say? It seems that it’s worth its money if it lasts that long right? I mainly want to use it to make soups, smoothies, and juices!

    I believe that it’ll cover me right?

  14. Hello Stella, this is great. Vitamix is truly one of the most popular blenders today and I already have one in my house. My wife enjoys preparing juices for our kids. You are right, it is a little bit pricey but it is definitely worth the money. I can recommend it to everyone who wants to start a healthy life.

    • Hi Daniel,

      Yes, Vitamix is well worth the price as it is so sturdy.  You can make everything from almond milk and soya milk to nut butters and purees.  Definitely worth getting and keeping!

  15. Wow what a workhorse! Vitamix definitely is a solid product so I’m glad I came across this one as I haven’t seen it before. Glad to see that it has such a high rating. £475 is a bit costly, but that’s what you get with top of the line equipment. Otherwise I like the Professional 500 series. I’ll definitely save your post and refer it to some smootie friends, well done!

  16. There are so many blenders out there on the market these days claiming to be the best there is so I am going through a few blender reviews before I chose the right one for myself and my family

    We all love to make outr own juices so I am going to need one that is easy to clean and is going to last awhile before I have to buy another blender

    The Vitamix looks very durable but how easy is it to clean after blending our fruits and vegetables? 

    • Very simple,

      You put washing up liquid in the empty blender, then fill it half full with warm water and secure the lid.

      Switch on the blender and the liquid foam will swirl round and wash the blender.  Switch it off and rinse the blender jug and lid.  Job done.  You may have to scrub the jug after making nut butters though…

      Wishing you all the best in choosing a blender for your family.

  17. Hey I like that you’ve added a video to go with your blender review and I think your site is nicely presented. I’ve been thinking of adding some Youtube clips to my site recently. Perhaps you could share some of your fav recipes as well !?

    My wife loves making us smoothies during the summer and we often have blueberries in ours. I’m not sure how much our blender cost but I think if you’re after something that’s going to last for years then it might be worth the price tag. It seems like you’re happy with yours.

    If you have any spare time perhaps you could check out my site & lemme know your thoughts.

    Very best,


    • Hi Paul,

      The recipes are in my email letters.  Although I have put a few recipes on my site.  As for your site, please PM me with the URL so I can check it out. 

  18. I’m glad this post came at the right time, and seeing the video of the blender in the action gives me the confidence to place an order. I always had the blade shaft of my current blender jammed, and it’s being so frustrating. A blender with an aircraft-grade blade won’t be bad at all.

    Thanks Stella, for this write up.

  19. Hello Stella, thanks for sharing this really nice article. I have seen some other products that are of very poor quality and some times because we don’t read a review on it we end up getting a bad product and the money spent becomes a waste really. This article is really good and its the first time I’m seeing this product for real. Cheers

    • Hello Justin, glad you liked reading this.

      The Vitamix blender was recommended to me by a nutritionist.  It’s gone through 12 years of hardcore use.  And I only had to send it in once for repairs.  As it’s a blender, you have to add liquid to your ingredients or else, it will stall and the motor could burn out.  Which is what happened to mine.

      Fortunately, the 7 year warranty was still valid and it got sent back to me in full working order.  You don’t get that kind of service with a cheap brand.

  20. What? You have used one of these for nine years? Oh my gosh that’s a very long time to use a blender and I just feel like I need to go and buy my own too. This just shows how durable and effective the blender is. In addition to the fact that I will become very creative in my cooking too. I really like this very much and I’m grateful.

    • Yes Suz – I’ve used my Vitamix for ages.  It is very sturdy and has a 7-year guarantee which is worth considering if you are going to get one.  

      I’m glad you enjoyed reading about it!

  21. Well, as worthy as this vitamix blender is, I must say that this price seems very exorbitant to me though. I am not sure I want to get myself to buy this at 475$. I am in for something much lesser because I have a very tight budget and I hope for something better soon.

    what you shared is very worth. Thanks

    • Hello Nath, let’s put it this way.  If you’re health is compromised and you can’t work.  And the only way to get healthy again is to juice and make smoothies rather than spending thousands going to the doctor and hospital visits, $475 is not actually much at all. 

      I bought my Vitamix in 2 instalments.  Over the period of 8 months.  It was only sent to me when I had paid the balance.  So I totally get it when you say you’re on a tight budget. 

  22. It’s very thoughtful of you to share this article, it’s very funny how you made that sentence about blenders and blEnders, lol. Vitamix is a good product and I like the design, it gets very annoying how you can hardly get a good blender nowadays because of the many in market. I think the price of Vitamix is because of it quality.

    • Yes Bruce, Vitamix blenders are very well made to stand through the test of time and heavy use.  I have never regretted buying mine and use it every day.

  23. The Vitamix Total Nutrition Centre is a really dependable and powerful blender that would be ideal for various healthy shakes and blends that require a lot of fruits and vegetables. I think the concern when it comes to these shakes is finding a blender big enough to contain the ingredients but also powerful enough to ensure that they are ground smoothly. 

    • The Vitamix is both large (2 litres) and powerful enough to withstand tough ingredients.  A lot of companies have copied the design of the Vitamix.  For example Tefal have 2 blenders on the market for under $100.  

      But having used my Vitamix for more than 10 years, I can tell the difference between a strong blender and a weak one.  And the Tefal is definitely weaker – even though they have copied the design of a Vitamix blender, they did not put a high horse power motor in it.

      So my Tefal blender – which I bought because my Vitamix has finally died due to a broken cable – is just a stand-in until I buy another Vitamix!

  24. My uncle has been a chef for the last 12 years and he has owned a Vitamix for the last five years. He has zero complaints about the product and the delicious things that blender can create are just wonderful. Though, he had some problems with the engine as it’s own because he used it on a constant basis but luckily it got fixed and to this day, this product has been a must have for him at any time; especially family gatherings and caterings 

    • From your Uncle’s experience with his Vitamix blender – this brand is a force to be reckoned with.  It definitely stands heavy duty use for years on end.

  25. You seem to be a fan of Vitamix and that can only be from it working very well for you. Nine years is such a long time and only based on that I can say the product is a thumbs up. I love smoothies and I like to start my day with one and also it with one. I am most definitely going to be around for recipes and blender reviews so that I do not get stuck when I want t upgrade. I really love blenders that do not make a lot of noise and those that fine chop. 

    • The reason why I’m a Vitamix fan, is that I broke 4 blenders due to heavy use.  Before I bought my Vitamix.  So I really appreciate it and the customer service is top-notch.  

      If and when you upgrade to a Vitamix blender, you will receive a recipe book that give you ideas to try.  There is a large variety of recipes you can experiment with.  From dressings, to dips, soups, nut milks and smoothies.  It is well worth the money and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.


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