The Power of Salt Baths – Dead Sea and Epsom

In my quest to regain beautiful skin, I discovered that Dead Sea Salt and Epsom baths can improve the following conditions:

  • Psoriasis
  • Arthritis
  • Dry Skin
  • Eczema
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Muscular Aches and Pain
  • Skin Allergies

The skin is strengthened and blood circulation improves.  Toxins are also removed from the skin. Any chemical imbalances of the skin and body are improved and the skin’s natural PH levels are restored.

Studies show that Dead Sea Salt baths have shown positive results in symptom relief and lengthening remission of eczema and psoriasis sufferers.

Personally, when my skin was at its worst, I took a salt bath every evening, then tapered the frequency to every other day, then tapered off the baths, gradually. This means as my skin improved, I took them every other day, then every 2 days, then twice a week.

I chose not to rinse off afterwards as I felt that the salt was still working even after my bath.  I would also add ground oatmeal and olive oil to the bath so that I was well moisturised. I found the baths to be very relaxing and I always had a good sleep afterwards. I would clean hairy parts daily with a kind soap like Turkish Olive oil soap or Black soap. And rinse off of course!

You will notice that having a 3-4 baths weekly for 3-4 weeks, will diminish the itch, scaling and joint complaints if you have any. Sleeping difficulties are also resolved.  The spread of inflammation will decrease as well as the redness.  However, as I was on medication for something else, my face took 4 months to heal from chronic scaling and sunburn in 2014.

It was the bowel cleansing and liver flushes carried out every 3 months that finally did the trick.  My skin tone and texture returned to normal.  I also drank plenty of water or cucumber juice to cool down the eczema  body heat.



Only 1kg of salts per bath or more seems to be the most effective for treating skin conditions.

Here is my skin bathing method which is useful for preventing skin infection:

You will need olive oil, shea butter, 1kg packet of Dead Sea Salts and also 1 cup of ground oats.

The Method:

  1. Put some olive oil in your hand with shea butter and massage into your skin.
  2. Run your bath with lukewarm water.
  3. Add all the contents of the salts packet to the bath water.
  4. Add the oats.
  5. Put 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil in the water
  6. Soak in the bath for up to half an hour.
  7. Do not pat dry after your bath – allow your skin to air dry.
  8. Repeat Step 1.

The sea salts clean, disinfect  and moisturise your skin too. Note that you should not use soap on eczematous skin as it will dry out your skin and leave it very itchy.

The oats has a quality about it that relieves your skin from itching.  It also calms red, inflamed skin.

Shea butter prevents your skin from scarring as well as moisturises your skin.  You will be able to find shea butter from either African shops or online.

If you have scratched your skin til it bleeds, you may need to massage your skin with aloe vera gelly that will heal your wounds and prevent from scarring.  It also has the added quality of relieving the itch.  Remember, aloe gelly first, then olive oil and shea butter.

If your clothes wick off the oil, you may need to ask your doctor to prescribe Tubifast bandages for your arms, torso and legs.  It comes in different sizes, so you may need to check with the chemist to order the right size. These bandages are washable and can be used over and over.

Personally, I made a moisturising butter with melted coconut oil and shea butter instead of olive oil. You may have to do a small patch first to see whether you are allergic to coconut oil. My face was sensitive to coconut oil, but the rest of my body was fine.

If you have wet, oozing skin, dry your patches with Argiletz clay paste. Then apply aloe vera gelly to them.  This can be applied as often as you need to during the day.

This may seem complicated to do, but it really is simple as long as you have these staple items in your kitchen at all times.  Then whenever your skin flares, you have everything you need rather than panic.


Flotation Tank Experience

In 2013, a friend of mine suggested  going to a nearby beauty salon that had a salt cave and a flotation tank.  Since I didn’t know what a flotation tank was, I did an online search.


Well basically, a flotation tank (or pod) has all the benefits of a regular salt bath except it is contains a very high concentration of Epsom salts.  The temperature of the water is kept to the same as your body while you float in the water.  Soft music is played and the lights are dimmed.

Each session lasts for an hour or more if you feel brave enough, but what I found really interesting about the floating experience is that as I lay perfectly still in the water, my mind went into a dream-like state. This I found was very relaxing.

The only thing I didn’t like was that my eczema patches really stung. I stayed the 1-hour course though as the time seemed to whizz by. This time, I did rinse myself off and oiled up with olive oil after towelling.  When I got home, I had a long nap.  I felt that relaxed.

Having a salt bath, whether or at home or in a tank is a much safer alternative than bleach baths and they also remove bad bacteria from the skin.

There are several flotation tanks in beauty spas throughout the UK and numerous abroad, Sweden having the highest proportion of flotation tanks to people living there.


And The Price?

This flotation experience which lasts for an hour can set you back anything from £45-70 a session.  You can have multiple sessions at a discounted rate if floating tickles your fancy.  The price is high because each tank (or pod) costs between £15,000-40,000, and must be fitted with specially prepared rooms.

However, the experience is worth it and I noted that my skin healed at a faster rate within the following couple of weeks.  That was impressive.

If you are interested in going to a floatation tank spa in London, there is one located at the London Flotation Centre, Isle of Dogs. The nearest station is South Quay DLR. The price? £45 an hour.

If you would like to know more about floating and the effects the salt can have on your skin, feel free to leave a comment or question below.


22 thoughts on “The Power of Salt Baths – Dead Sea and Epsom”

  1. I enjoyed reading about how the salts remove toxins from the body. I am a firm believer of this and have used products to cleanse the body for years.
    It is very interesting and I know many people will benefit from the information you have provided. There is a family member who has a skin disorder and I will let her know about this.
    Stella, I do have a question: if the individual has high blood pressure, can these salts raise it even further?
    Thanks for this information!

    • Hi Cath, I’m glad you found the information interesting..

      High blood pressure can be cured by juicing – starting with a small amount, 1-2 glasses a day for a week, then increasing to 2 cups in the morning and 2 at night (8oz glasses). You can find more about juicing on my site in the categories section. Here’s the link – https://cleareczemanaturally.c

      The salts – dead sea or epsom do not disturb high blood pressure.  In fact, they should lower it by relaxing her body.  

      Hope this helps Cath!

  2. Very interesting article. I have used epsom salts on and off for years and agree with their amazing benefits. I get mild eczema from time to time and haven’t thought to use epsom salts more systematically to try to get rid of it – so will definitely try that next time.
    What do you think about using them for children?

    • Epsom salts are fine for children…;you just need a smaller amount depending on their age and size.  They only need to soak for 15-20 minutes then pat dry before putting a small amount of olive oil on their skin.  Is their eczema wet or dry?

      You might also try cutting down on sugary and floury foods as that feeds candida yeast and helps it overgrow…One of my relatives is a pharmacy technician and this advice was the best thing I discovered while on my skin-clearing journey. Just remember, The Simpler The Better

      Thank God for family – eh!

  3. Hey Stella:

    Thanks for your post on caring for your skin using epsom salts, oils and oatmeal in the bath.

    It reminds me that I’ve gotten out of the habit of taking salt baths which are, as you point out, so very beneficial to your skin and your body.

    Fortunately, I do not suffer from eczema, but I do know that just doing the ritual of preparing and then indulging in the bath is such a stress-reliever that everyone can benefit.

    The one thing I’ve found is that oatmeal added to bath water directly can clog drain pipes (even if you’ve got a strainer on your tub drain).

    I gather up the dry oatmeal in a piece of cheesecloth, secure the bundle with rubber bands at neck and throw it in the bath water. You get the benefit of the oatmeal and less mess.

    The bundle makes a handy scrubber while you’re taking your bath as well.

    • Hi Netta,

      Everyone can definitely benefit from epsom salt baths for stress relief. Your tip about using a piece of cheesecloth could come in real handy one day.  However, I am at the place where a sauna session relaxes and cleans pores better.  

      Salt baths for eczema should only be taken to heal the skin.  Then, taken perhaps only twice a month to keep it in order.

      Thanks once again for sharing your tip.  We can all learn from each other.

  4. I have recently had my 60th Birthday and was given some of these salts and they are divine

    My bath has never been so delicious and I am going to try adding the other ingredients you suggest Stella as my skin gets so dry because i work outside every day in the weather and my skin is aging faster because of this

    I am looking forward to my next bath already and I know my skin is going to thank me as well

    Thank you

  5. This is an interesting article and i enjoyed reading it. I have always ignored any special treatment to the skin as i had always seen them as over exaggerated most times. 

    Reading this today, I think i might be having a change of mindset and might just give this salt bath a try. I hope to give a feedback as to how it goes soon, when I try it out. 

    Thanks Stella

  6. Having arthritis myself I find that this form of treatment is always recommended by physiotherapists, Doctors etc and I am yet to take action on this.

    From reading your post and the associated information I may have been pushed to the point where I will give this a try.

    I do need help with aching joints, sore muscles and sleepless nights, nothing else has proven to be effective. I have been using some alternative approaches to resolving issues and am having some success, especially with weight loss from diet change.

    I feel by slowly adding in more of these changes I will eventually gain some form of overall benefit.

    Can you tell me if the bowel cleansing and liver flushes will have a positive impact on arthritis?

    • Hi /Steve, 

      Yes, you will definitely notice a huge difference to your arthritis when you do regular bowel cleansing and liver fllushing. I have and so has my mother.

      Do let me know how you get on and I will be happy to help you with any enquiries you have during your journey

  7. I agree with you that there are many benefits to taking salt baths. I am lucky enough to not suffer from skin problems but from time to time I get tension and stress sort of stuck in my body. I find that a nice Epsom salt bath helps to relax my muscles and I am able to get a restful sleep.

    I have done a salt cave and although it was fun and relaxing, it wasn’t something that I felt like I had to do again. I think the flotation tank sounds interesting but I’m not sure if I am willing to pay that much for it.

  8. An excellent post from someone who clearly knows this subject well, my Grandson suffers with eczema and this will be a great help in bringing it under control. I love the idea of the floatation experience although maybe not for my 9 year old grandson! I have heard about epsom salts and realised that due to their popularity in the shops for so long that they must have some benefit but this article has opened my eyes and I think it’s time I tried an Epsom Salt bath. Thank you.

    • That’s alright Pete…

      You can have an Epsom Salt bath experience in your own home by buying a lot of Epsom salt and putting it in your bath water.  (lukewarm).  It might prove more expensive, but you can go straight to sleep afterwards in your own bed.

  9. Your article about the power of Salt Baths-Dead Sea Salt and Epsom is very interesting as I have some eczéma from time to time. I didn’t know that a Dead Sea Salt bath can strengthen your skin and improve blood circulation. I thank you for explaining the procedure of how you take several Salt Baths when you have skin problems. 
    I will try in the near future your proposed combination of Salt baths with drinking more water of cucumber juice.

    You have made me curious about testing a flotation tank session with Epsom salt. While floating is must be gorgeous to have your mind in a dream like state

    • Yes, Dead Sea Salt baths are very useful for people suffering from eczema.

      A flotation tank has a very high concentration of salt so it will sting.  It is otherwise a very pleasant experience to float freely without fear of sinking.  

      I really enjoyed it when I went for a session.  I hope you will too.

  10. Very interesting review. I used to have negative mindset about salt bath because of the possible adverse side effect. It is amazing knowing that it can cure eczema. Shea butter is a very active product I so much trust when it comes to skin treatment. I want to ask a question. Can Shea butter and the olive oil be the reason why the skin is not irritated after salt bath? Can this salt bath work for any time of eczema?

     Anticipating your response

    • Perhaps!  I used to smear shea butter and olive oil very thickly onto my sikin before getting in my salt bath.  It healed faster as a result.  And yes, it did NOT sting!

      I think you meant for any type of eczema?  Yes, any type..

  11. I’m glad to read about the power of salt baths! I know some people who get eczema from time to time so this post will be really helpful for them. I’m thrilled also to read about the additional conditions that Dead Sea Salt and Epsom Salt helps treat like arthritis and insomnia. Not rinsing off and adding oatmeal and olive oil to the bath is excellent additional tips. I think of the ocean and how it’s such a great natural cleanser and it makes sense. The flotation tank spa sounds amazing. I’m definitely going to check out the London Floatation Centre the next time I’m in London!

    • I am glad you enjoyed reading this article.  Salt baths keep your skin clean and more sterilised than soap.  Very good for keeping the skin from becoming infected.

      My skin is now so good I do not need to wash it.  As I juice a lot, I do not smell either – not even my armpits.  Think of all the money I am saving!  I just do a top and tail every week to still smell fresh which I do anyway.

      All the best!


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