Best Laundry Detergent For Eczema

Now that we are easing out of lockdown worldwide, we are still in the new norm of washing everything twice over.  And that includes our clothes.  So what is the best laundry detergent for people with eczema, you may be wondering?

I have two that I am a firm favourite of and have used a lot.  Amway’s SA8 Powder and Forever Living’s MPD (Multi-purpose detergent).

Out of the two brands, you will save more money on Forever’s MPD as you can use this multi-purpose detergent for the floor, the kitchen counters, the bathroom, your dishes and of course your clothes.

What To Look For When Buying a Detergent

There are two main requirements I look for when buying a detergent.

1.  Is it truly organic

Amway’s SA8 is definitely organic, but as we don’t know what’s in it due to the secretive patent I cannot state the list of ingredients here.  However, I did notice that my skin was fine after washing my clothes with this detergent.

On the other hand, Forever’s MPD is definitely organic as it has active aloe vera in it as well as coconut oil derivatives. My clothes are very clean once I wash with this.

2.  Does it have perfume?

If the detergent has perfume in it, then I know not to buy it.  The perfume will irritate my skin as well as my nose. As I also tend to suffer from a little asthma when around dust, pets or synthetic smells…I always check the label to see if this is the case of perfume.  Only when my skin is okay do I use supermarket detergent.  But in doses much smaller than the recommended amount.

MPD has been certified Kosher, Halal and also environmentally friendly as they do not use pesticides or herbicides in growing their aloe vera plants.  They have their own plantation farms of aloe.  Which is hand-filleted after harvesting.

I can safely say that using Forever Living Brand of products, especially when it comes to their detergent, has been a life-saver for my skin.  

I highly recommend them!  

If you would like to get some MPD for you and your family, click here.


4 thoughts on “Best Laundry Detergent For Eczema

  1. Christine says:

    When a detergent has perfume does that mean that it has a lot of chemicals? Forever’s MPD sounds a little better to me instead of Amway’s. It’s interesting to learn that laundry detergent can be certified halal and kosher, I thought that that only applied to food. So, it also applies to organic products then? It’s always good to learn something new 🙂

    Is Forever’s MPD available in local stores or only online?

    • Stella says:

      When a detergent has perfume it is normally made from synthetic materials.  Which a lot of people can be allergic to.  Forever Living also makes supplements that contain aloe vera and also bee propolis and honey.  They are in total control of the manufacturing process from growing the aloe on their own aloe farms to the finished product.  Totally organic and the only brand I and so many other people can use.

      Forever’s MPD is available online only and is not available through local stores.  You can find them also find them on my online store here: http://thisaloeworks.myforever

  2. Mason Sieloff says:

    Love the website, my sone has eczema and I was looking for a better deterrent o us e for him and the family as well. This website is a good tool to stay up to date on any news about eczema and thing going on with it. I suggest anyone who has eczema to use this as a great too to stay up to dat eon information.

    • Stella says:

      Thanks for the compliment…;your son’s eczema can clear up…If he is over 12 years old, he can do a herbal bowel cleanse (colon cleanse) that is safe and gentle.  His allergies will clear up within 2 months when you do that.

      I recommend Colonix herbal colon cleanse for him.  It’s a bit expensive, but remember you are getting 3 month’s worth of product at a time.

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