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The Power of Salt Baths – Dead Sea and Epsom

In my quest to regain beautiful skin, I discovered that Dead Sea Salt and Epsom baths can improve the following conditions:

  • Psoriasis
  • Arthritis
  • Dry Skin
  • Eczema
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Muscular Aches and Pain
  • Skin Allergies

The skin is strengthened and blood circulation improves.  Toxins are also removed from the skin. Any chemical imbalances of the skin and body are improved and the skin’s natural PH levels are restored.

Studies show that Dead Sea Salt baths have shown positive results in symptom relief and lengthening remission of eczema and psoriasis sufferers.

Personally, when my skin was at its worst, I took a salt bath every evening, then tapered the frequency to every other day, then tapered off the baths, gradually. This means as my skin improved, I took them every other day, then every 2 days, then twice a week.

I chose not to rinse off afterwards as I felt that the salt was still working even after my bath.  I would also add ground oatmeal and olive oil to the bath so that I was well moisturised. I found the baths to be very relaxing and I always had a good sleep afterwards. I would clean hairy parts daily with a kind soap like Turkish Olive oil soap or Black soap. And rinse off of course!

You will notice that having a 3-4 baths weekly for 3-4 weeks, will diminish the itch, scaling and joint complaints if you have any. Sleeping difficulties are also resolved.  The spread of inflammation will decrease as well as the redness.  However, as I was on medication for something else, my face took 4 months to heal from chronic scaling and sunburn in 2014.

It was the bowel cleansing and liver flushes carried out every 3 months that finally did the trick.  My skin tone and texture returned to normal.  I also drank plenty of water or cucumber juice to cool down the eczema  body heat.



Only 1kg of salts per bath or more seems to be the most effective for treating skin conditions.

Here is my skin bathing method which is useful for preventing skin infection:

You will need olive oil, shea butter, 1kg packet of Dead Sea Salts and also 1 cup of ground oats.

The Method:

  1. Put some olive oil in your hand with shea butter and massage into your skin.
  2. Run your bath with lukewarm water.
  3. Add all the contents of the salts packet to the bath water.
  4. Add the oats.
  5. Put 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil in the water
  6. Soak in the bath for up to half an hour.
  7. Do not pat dry after your bath – allow your skin to air dry.
  8. Repeat Step 1.

The sea salts clean, disinfect  and moisturise your skin too. Note that you should not use soap on eczematous skin as it will dry out your skin and leave it very itchy.

The oats has a quality about it that relieves your skin from itching.  It also calms red, inflamed skin.

Shea butter prevents your skin from scarring as well as moisturises your skin.  You will be able to find shea butter from either African shops or online.

If you have scratched your skin til it bleeds, you may need to massage your skin with aloe vera gelly that will heal your wounds and prevent from scarring.  It also has the added quality of relieving the itch.  Remember, aloe gelly first, then olive oil and shea butter.

If your clothes wick off the oil, you may need to ask your doctor to prescribe Tubifast bandages for your arms, torso and legs.  It comes in different sizes, so you may need to check with the chemist to order the right size. These bandages are washable and can be used over and over.

Personally, I made a moisturising butter with melted coconut oil and shea butter instead of olive oil. You may have to do a small patch first to see whether you are allergic to coconut oil. My face was sensitive to coconut oil, but the rest of my body was fine.

If you have wet, oozing skin, dry your patches with Argiletz clay paste. Then apply aloe vera gelly to them.  This can be applied as often as you need to during the day.

This may seem complicated to do, but it really is simple as long as you have these staple items in your kitchen at all times.  Then whenever your skin flares, you have everything you need rather than panic.


Flotation Tank Experience

In 2013, a friend of mine suggested  going to a nearby beauty salon that had a salt cave and a flotation tank.  Since I didn’t know what a flotation tank was, I did an online search.


Well basically, a flotation tank (or pod) has all the benefits of a regular salt bath except it is contains a very high concentration of Epsom salts.  The temperature of the water is kept to the same as your body while you float in the water.  Soft music is played and the lights are dimmed.

Each session lasts for an hour or more if you feel brave enough, but what I found really interesting about the floating experience is that as I lay perfectly still in the water, my mind went into a dream-like state. This I found was very relaxing.

The only thing I didn’t like was that my eczema patches really stung. I stayed the 1-hour course though as the time seemed to whizz by. This time, I did rinse myself off and oiled up with olive oil after towelling.  When I got home, I had a long nap.  I felt that relaxed.

Having a salt bath, whether or at home or in a tank is a much safer alternative than bleach baths and they also remove bad bacteria from the skin.

There are several flotation tanks in beauty spas throughout the UK and numerous abroad, Sweden having the highest proportion of flotation tanks to people living there.


And The Price?

This flotation experience which lasts for an hour can set you back anything from £45-70 a session.  You can have multiple sessions at a discounted rate if floating tickles your fancy.  The price is high because each tank (or pod) costs between £15,000-40,000, and must be fitted with specially prepared rooms.

However, the experience is worth it and I noted that my skin healed at a faster rate within the following couple of weeks.  That was impressive.

If you are interested in going to a floatation tank spa in London, there is one located at the London Flotation Centre, Isle of Dogs. The nearest station is South Quay DLR. The price? £45 an hour.

If you would like to know more about floating and the effects the salt can have on your skin, feel free to leave a comment or question below.


Coconut Oil For Dry Eczema

Eczema can be a tyrant. For months, my skin waged a relentless war against my comfort, with dry, itchy patches camping out on my back near my shoulders, along my arms, and on the sides of my feet. I know that I’m not alone in this struggle, as eczema affects countless individuals, each of us grappling with the discomfort in our own way.

When faced with such a persistent skin condition, it can feel like you’re in a never-ending cycle of flare-ups. My own battle lasted a hefty four months, an eternity in the life of someone seeking relief. And within that time, I became almost a scholar of moisturizing agents, as I tested a litany of creams and lotions purporting to offer that elusive solace. Only, none did.

In my pursuit, I learned about coconut oil. It’s touted for its hydrating properties, a natural emollient that’s been whispered about in the corridors of alternative medicine and sung from the lips of those fortunate enough to have found relief. This article is a dive into my experiences, shared in the hope that it can light the way for anyone else out there staring down the barrel of a dry eczema diagnosis, searching for solace.

Then This Happened!

However, it was during one particularly taxing night, when the itch felt unyielding and my will to resist scratching waned, that I found my resolve. It was as if I had reached the peak of my frustration, and the only way left was forward – taking control of my situation and trying something unconventional.

That night, before sleep overtook me, I spoke a simple command against the itch in the name of Jesus. I just said to the itch “Itch stop in the Name of Jesus, Amen” When I awoke to less irritation, it seemed maybe there was something more I could do, something natural and within reach that could bridge the gap toward healing my beleaguered skin.

Turning to Natural Remedies: A New Hope

This led me to question: could a change in diet impact my skin’s condition?

In a move driven more by desperation than conviction, I downed a gallon of avocado smoothie in a single day. Avocados, rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and natural oils, seemed like a good bet for internal hydration. However, this wasn’t just a physical battle; I was fighting mentally and spiritually too.

To my amazement, the next morning greeted me with a sensation I hadn’t felt in months: relief. The incessant itch had subsided. What was different? I considered the potential impact of my vocal affirmation, the smoothie, or perhaps it was a combination. Still, I knew it was only a part of the solution. My skin needed external nourishment and care too.

I started that day with a quick shower, opting for Aloe Vera Liquid Soap. Its soothing properties are well-documented; not just folklore, but supported by evidence of its skin-healing components. I was careful to be gentle, to not irritate my already sensitive skin further. After patting my skin dry, I turned to my next line of defense: Forever Living Aloe Vera Gelly. Slathering it generously over my body, I felt its cooling effect almost immediately.

A Gentle Approach: Rethinking Skincare Rituals

It’s important to note that when I shower, it’s all about minimalism. My mantra is ‘less is more’, especially when it involves irritated skin. I showered quickly, took care not to aggravate my skin, and I chose warm instead of hot water to prevent further dryness.

The next step was the coconut oil. Melting it wasn’t as daunting as it might seem. I put a bowl of the oil into a pot of water and let it warm on the stove for ten minutes. No microwave shortcuts here – slow and gentle was my motto.

I then applied the melted coconut oil generously over my irritated skin. It’s like my skin sighed in relief. Coconut oil, with its fatty acids and moisturizing properties, was exactly what my dry, inflamed skin craved.

I went to bed that night with a sliver of hope. By allowing my skin to embrace these natural remedies without the interference of chemicals, I had taken a significant step toward healing.

Exfoliation and Recovery: Managing Flaky Skin

After coating my skin with coconut oil, something surprising happened. By morning, the thick patches that had troubled me were flaking away. Here was a sign of healing, but it also presented a new challenge: managing this fallout without further irritating my skin.

I grabbed a soft brush — a gentle touch was crucial. Using this, I could carefully slough off the loose flakes, mindful not to be rough. It was a delicate balance, encouraging my skin to shed the damaged layers while protecting the new, tender skin underneath.

Post-exfoliation, my skin was ready for another round of coconut oil. This time, I massaged it in, promoting circulation and encouraging deeper absorption. This wasn’t just about providing moisture; it was about nurturing my skin back to health, one layer at a time.

This routine marked a turning point in my recovery. Yet, I was about to learn, recovery wasn’t just about what I put on my body, but also about what I left off.

Balancing Skin Health: Embracing Natural Oils

I faced a tough choice: continue with daily baths that soothe temporarily but don’t fix the underlying issue, or let my body’s natural defenses take the lead. I chose the latter. Limiting showers and baths was a deliberate move to preserve my skin’s own oils – a protective layer I’d washed away too often. This decision was both intuitive and informed by research; the skin’s microbiome, that complex community of microorganisms, is integral to its health.

Every day, as my skin began to retain its natural moisture without the interference of water, I saw a metamorphosis. My skin wasn’t just holding onto oils; it was recovering its balance and vitality. I couldn’t help comparing my soaking with Moor Mud in my bath water to these gentler days. Though the mud granted immediate comfort and better sleep, my eczema patches stubbornly stayed put.

Deciding to only bathe once a week might seem contradictory to some, especially when dealing with a skin condition. But I’ve learned that sometimes, less is more. Staying away from daily baths avoided stripping away essential lipids and oils that my skin was desperately trying to hold on to.

These moments of restraint weren’t easy. I yearned for the temporary relief baths provided, but the steadfast approach paid off slowly but surely. Patience, as I would realize, was just as important in my journey as any salve or ointment. Of course, I washed my delicate parts every day though!

Wearing Satin Blouses Make a Huge Difference

For one week, I wore cheap satin blouses from Primark.  This way, the oil I had put on earlier was not wicked away onto my clothes.  Before that I had been wearing cotton long-sleeved T-shirts which dried out my back and arms by the end of the day.

The satin kept the moisture in so I didn’t have to reapply more oil until evening.  I made sure to buy one size up so the bouldes would be a loose fit.

Root Cause Resolution: The Journey with a Naturopath

I realized that topical treatments, while helpful, weren’t a complete solution. It was CRUCIAL to tackle the underlying issues causing my eczema. That’s when I decided to invest in a consultation with a naturopath, who had a track record of overcoming her own skin issues. This step wasn’t just a treatment; it was an INVESTMENT in my health.

My experience with the naturopath was EYE-OPENING. Through an extensive six-week program, we explored the health of my entire body. From vitamin and mineral analysis to assessments for fungal and parasitic infections, hormone imbalances, and more, the program was THOROUGH.

The process was fascinating; I sent off a hair sample and soon received a detailed report. It highlighted foods that my body was reacting to negatively. The culprit? I was SEVERELY deficient in Vitamins A, C, and E. Plus, I discovered I was lactose intolerant � a revelation that meant rethinking my diet entirely.

But the insights didn’t stop there. By the fourth week, my advisor Jessica highlighted that my liberal use of salt was disturbing my potassium to sodium balance. It was a LIGHTBULB moment for me. Too much salt can lead to dry skin, and here I was, inadvertently exacerbating my condition with every meal.

Taking IMMEDIATE ACTION, I discarded foods high in added salt and diligently reframed my diet to rebalance my body’s mineral content. Within just a few days, I began seeing promising changes � my skin was slowly returning to normal, ending MONTHS of frustration.

I felt like I was finally grasping the reins of my health. Victory wasn’t only visible; I FELT it. The relentless itching had subsided, and my anxiety over my skin was giving way to a CONFIDENT outlook.

Eczema Relief Realized: A Testimony to Natural Healing

After a long journey with dry eczema, the relief I’ve found isn’t just skin deep. It’s a profound sense of being heard and understood by my own body. I’ve realized that the secret to managing eczema lies in a harmonious blend of natural remedies and self-awareness. My experience has taught me that Aloe Vera Gelly and Coconut oil can be more than just topical treatments; they’re messengers of nature’s restorative powers.

Seeking help from a naturopath was a turning point for me. It provided insights into my body’s specific needs, uncovering deficiencies and intolerances that were the hidden culprits behind my skin’s distress. Learning about my lactose intolerance and lack of essential vitamins was the knowledge I needed to tip the scales back in favor of my skin’s health.

But more than just understanding my physical needs, I learned the importance of balance. The revelation about the sodium-potassium ratio impact on skin health underscored life’s tendency for imbalance and its effects. By eliminating excess salt from my diet, my skin began to normalize, bringing a level of comfort I hadn’t felt in months.

My success story with coconut oil and Aloe Vera isn’t just about finding the right products. It’s about taking a holistic approach to health. It’s about patient experimentation, tuning into my body’s signals, and making informed choices. For those of you grappling with dry eczema, don’t lose hope. Relief may be closer than you think, and oftentimes, it’s cloaked in nature’s simplest offerings.

For everyone out there who’s spent countless dollars on moisturizers without an end to the itch in sight—know that I’ve been there. This battle can be tiresome, but I urge you to consider a natural approach and professional guidance. My journey to healing has shown me that the right combination of nature-inspired treatments and lifestyle changes can make all the difference. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the simple, yet effective, remedies of Aloe Vera and Coconut oil for showing me the path to calmer, happier skin.