Eczema – Take Care with Flaxseed Meal


Flaxseed meal is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids which you may have heard about.  Take care though, as you may end up with a flare up of eczema if you do not drink enough liquid during the day you have the flaxseed.

How do I know?  Well after 1 year of completely eczema-free skin, I started taking flaxseed meal 1-2 tablespoons a day.  I did not drink enough liquids during these days.

When taking flaxseed meal, I forgot that I needed to drink at least 5 times the amount of flaxseed meal as it swells in the stomach.

The result, was it wicked away moisture from my skin and then I had a dry patch on my right shoulder which I scratched.

The patch spread to my left shoulder and up my neck and face.. . The good thing was I had this site to refer to and also my notes.



So I began to juice carrot, parsley, celery and cucumber 2-4 litres daily.  Blended with avocado. Spread over the course of a day. I stopped eating rice as my face bloated and became very dry.  So I began to buy 500g of salmon pieces from the fishmongers.  I also bought Fish Oil capsules and took 4-5 daily.

The  result is that the inflammation is down and I am using amaroli to wet my dry patches and also massaging coconut oil and shea butter on my patches.  I only put the Amber Nectar on my skin once daily, followed by the oil and butter.  My skin looks dry but no longer inflamed and itchy.

Mum has been a darling and bought 2 bags of frozen wheatgrass juice.  1 bag of each of us.  Containing 30 oz of 1 oz wheatgrass shots each.   I will drink 2 oz a day.

Instead of rice, I make quinoa porridge with salmon and freshly sprouted green lentils.

Of course, I have stopped taking the flaxseed meal!!

I have been doing  this regime for 2 weeks now.  It is expensive and my juices contain avocado.  The good thing is that Sainsbury’s supermarket are doing a great deal of £1.50 for 2 Hass avocados instead of the normal price of £1.90.  I have been buying 5 pairs of avocadoes at a time, saving me £1.60!!  God is Good!

As it is summer, I am in a good mood and and can see my skin healing quite quick with all the love I am giving it.  I am also sleeping quite a lot and allowing my skin to heal.


Update: 10 April 2019

I drank 3oz of wheatgrass juice last night and 6 glasses of avocado smoothie that also contained 1/2 cup of green lentils.  I added  1 grapefruit including its rind, blending the whole lot.

Woke up with peachy skin.  It is not flaking anymore and my skin is turning the right tone.  Slight flaking on my lips though.

I an not itchy and do not need to do amaroli anymore.

Please note, I did not wash my skin with anything, not even plain water during this time.  It did not get infected due to the huge volume of green smoothies I took daily.  As mentioned before, since I do not scar easily, my skin will heal up and my job is to get rid of the darkened skin by keeping  hydration in order.  This means at least 3 litres of green smoothie daily.

The wheatgrass shots are a bonus and I only eat 1 meal of salmon and quinoa daily.  Do not worry, I am not losing or gaining any extra weight!!


Update:  June 6 2019

People are noticing my skin is glowing!  My skin tone has evened out!

I still have a rough patch at the back of my neck and one forearm, but otherwise am healing nicely.  I am down to 2 sachets of wheatgrass juice.  And my vision is becoming much clearer.  (I am short-sighted).

I use coconut oil and shea butter on my skin and it makes it feel baby soft.

I even scratched the hair near the nape of my neck on both sides.   Not to worry as it is growing back.  I spritz my hair with water and also apply coconut oil in it every day.  I tend to use olive oil in winter as you need to use a more runny oil so that it doesn’t cause it to matt due to build up of oil in the hair.

My friends are surprised that I have such thick hair.  It is mainly down to eating nuts, seeds and also sprouted beans and lentils.  I also cook soups and fish stews.

I haven’t been eating rice for the last 2 months.  My carbs are mainly plantain and vegetables.. Plantain helps your facial skin more smooth than when you eat more starchy carbs like rice or potatoes.



I have taken out a membership for my local gym and went for the first time yesterday.

My legs are feeling sore 24 hours later.  Stretching is very important and though  I did cool down after working out, I did not stretch as I normally do and now I can really feel what parts of my body were worked out!!

I plan to go 4-5 days a week.  I will up the intensity of the workouts each week by increasing the weights.  The sets are in 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 12.

The aim?  To tone up all over and especially lose  5 inches off my waist as I still hold belly fat from 10 years ago.  I know – why did I wait 10 years?   The eczema flare ups were in the way, I injured my shoulder and also my left knee after the shoulder healed.  So I had to ease off the gym.

Another reason I am gym bound is due to the wrinkles I gleaned from my 2016 flare up.  Gaining muscle will tone my skin and help it become smooth.

Nutrition wise, I am eating plenty of mackerel and salmon.  Also free range eggs.. With plenty of carrot, celery juice blended with cucumber and parsley.  I drank that combination for 1 month.  I have started to drink watermelon juice instead.  It is sooo hydrating! And a tad expensive…

Sometimes I do amaroli and drink my first morning’s amber nectar.  It tastes of whatever I ate or drank the previous day.  As I drink at least 3 litres of liquid daily, my nectar tastes quite bland and not salty as I only use a little Himalayan salt  in my soups or stews.

This may all seem like a lot of work to you. You may think that glowing skin can’t be obtained and that you are meant to put up with bad health.   Well, it is simply not true.



I had to learn first hand how to take care of myself without conventional means.  Did I have to put myself through all that trial and error?   Realising I had to be gentle with myself, and  not try to please absolutely everyone who knew me in that eczema state and wanted a quick fix for me. Bless them!

If you pass your exams with honors, only you know the amount of work you put in:

Late nights as you studied to achieve your dreams. Staying in to do the same, while your friends went out partying.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  But partying could be left for celebrating after passing exams.

I admire the lady I met who had suffered from eczema so decided to stay at home for 6 months  as she took steps to rid herself of that chronic state.

Unfortunately, it is only when the eczema gets that bad that we get desperate and take our health seriously.  Drastic Results Require Drastic Action.

My question to you is this:  ARE YOU READY?

If you have any questions or comments about this, let me know…