It’s close to summer and we’re having a hot spring in London right now…and my skin has flared up with eczema around my neck. So far, I’ve used Aveeno cream and aloe vera gelly, coconut oil and shea butter. In the end, to combat the dryness and tight feeling, I succumbed to getting Dream Cream by Lush.
What’s funny is that 10 years ago, I used to buy Dream Cream every month, when my skin was really bad. However, I eventually started reacting to this cream due to some medication I was on.
Fast forward 2021, and I tried a little cream on my neck and was absolutely fine. It is now double the price at £16, but is well worth it.
I will save money on all the other things I was using for my neck and back of shoulders. Dream Cream is sooo soothing!! All the tight feeling round my neck has disappeared and I can turn my head freely without feeling as if someone was trying to put me in a noose….
Main Ingredient of Dream Cream
The reason why this cream is so magical is that it contains Oat Milk which is very nourishing and soothing to the skin. It is the number one ingredient and they have put all the other ingredients in the correct ratio to one another. As a result, you feel very relaxed and relieved while you put this on your skin.
Once I had bought this, I immediately put in on and heaved a sigh of relief. I felt as if I had put velvet on my skin.
As I am also drinking 2 litres of avocado smoothie daily, my skin has no raised parts to it and is just slightly dark compared to the rest of my body.
I shall also be buying some Blessed Herbs Black Seed Oil as my skin shone and was very smooth to the touch when I was using it in 2020.
Dream Cream is richer than Aveeno cream, but if you have extremely dry eczema, you may want to put more olive oil into the jar.
This lovely cream also contains rose water, cocoa butter, chamomile blue oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil. Although Dream Cream also has other ingredients, you will find that it is a totally natural cream which gives much love and care to your skin.
You will feel like a Goddess or God after you put this on. Well I did, anyway! Using this cream brought back many happy memories of when I used to buy Lush products by the bucketful.
Right now, I am caressing my skin. It feels so silky right now, even with the eczema! I have applied the cream on my neck and back three times in a row and feel thoroughly moisturised now. With the other creams I was using, I would still feel tight around my neck within minutes of applying them
And when you feel dry and tight, you inevitably end up feeling itchy and uncomfortable.
Dream Cream Beats Coconut Oil and Even Aveeno Cream combined…
Well there you have it – I kid you not. Dream Cream deserves a rating of at least 9/10 for being so soothing and moisturising.
May 2021 Update
My eczema spread to my back and top of my chest. However, I added shea butter to the mix and applied this on skin after a generous amount of Dream Cream.
I have almost finished my jar of Dream Cream and really can’t thank Lush enough for making this tub of eczema-vanishing wonder.
If your skin is dry, raised and itchy, remember to slather on the Dream Cream generously, followed by the shea butter.
Then go to sleep and you will wake up having better skin.
Remember to take your baths every other night until the flare up has died down. Also, juicing your vegetables rather than eating them, will definitely prevent your skin from becoming raised and thick scaly eczema.
Drink up to 2 litres a day. That is 8 glasses! It may seem like a lot, but just divide your day like this. 2 glasses on waking. 2 glasses after breakfast. 2 glasses after lunch and 2 glasses after dinner. Not only will you feel less constipated, but if you have facial eczema, this will clear off due to you being more hydrated.
Your urine should be straw yellow in colour. This shows that you have enough water in your body. If it is an orange colour, you are severely dehydrated and probably backed up with a ton of scaly thick eczema on the upper part of your body.
Read my article on Colon cleansing with P&B shakes. This will help you clear your constipation and allergies on a deeper level than just juicing.
Really you should go about the cleansing of your skin like this:
1. Three months of colon cleansing alongside eating healthily.
2. Juicing up to 8 glasses of vegetable juice and avocado smoothies a day
3. Liver flushing to totally get rid of any allergies you may be suffering from. You will find when you do the above, your skin will calm down, be less red and even the scars will start to fade. Your skin will start to glow and become soft like a baby’s.
This procedure of your skin going from thick crusty eczema to soft smooth skin can take up to a year. So depending on the severity of your eczema, will be the length of your healing time. So go easy on yourself and buck up, because a change is a-coming!
Update: 24 November 2023
Well, my skin is soft and silky, except for 2 eczema patches on my feet, 1 eczema patch on my right arm and 1 on my upper back. I had forgotten all about the Dream Cream because I was using Aloe Vera Gelly and Aloe Propolis Creme.
Dream Cream is now £20 for a 240g jar! But it is great. I took out my jar from my bathroom cabinet and put it all over my body including the eczema patches…Ahhh – luverly! No dry bits…