1 Week Raw Food Challenge

In April 2021 when London was getting ready for all non-essential shops to open by April 12 – including hair salons. I did a big chop as my hair which I put in locs before lockdown, is now matted and dry.

I was given bad advice to not touch my hair or even moisturise it. For at least 6 months. It is now dead hair. I will try to do a one week raw food challenge to ban the itchy skin. This will include vegetable juice and avocado smoothies. Plus bean sprout salads with plenty of sunflower seed dressing.

A Little Background

In February and March rubbish also started being eaten a lot by me. For example crisps, apple pie, lasagne (even though it was home-made), cheese, single cream. Tiramisu, etc.

First off, a small eczema patch developed on my shoulder, then crept up to my neck. As of today April 9, I’ve really got an extremely itchy chin as well. So I made some almond milk using a nutmilk bag, 250g of almonds and pure water.

Method: blend almonds with 4 cups of water. Til it looks like milk. Smooth and creamy.

Strain out milk with a nutmilk bag. They come in at 30p from Sainsburys Supermarket and are very useful.

For soothing lotion, I have been using Forever Living Aloe Vera Gelly, Olive oil and Aloe Propolis Creme

Back to the Raw Food Challenge

You will need a cold-press juicer and sturdy blender to get started. I recommend Vitamix brand of blenders and also Omega Juicers to begin with.

The Vitamix blender can crush flaxseeds when blended with liquids. Such as almonds, brazil nuts, etc. You can make nut butters, nut milks, and also avocado smoothies from them. Get really creative!

With the Omega juicer line, you can juice even leafy green vegetables like parsley, cilantro and coriander. Besides carrots, beetroots and celery vegetables.

Are you going to come along with me and get going? If you are willing to spend some time on yourself and get better with natural methods, then you are in for a surprise and lots of help. You can email me, if you have questions, although this is very easy. Remember to use alternative vegetables of your choice if you do not want to use the particular ones I recommend.

However, just remember that you should always have 5-10 medium carrots to juice, along with celery and 2 apples to make your juice taste nice. Add more vegetables of your choice to the mix. Go easy on the lemon slices and the ginger root, so that the taste is not too tart.

Update; It’s now May 2021 and the eczema has spread to my back and upper chest. I really don’t know how to get the itching to slow down. So I got some Moor Mud and even bought Dream Cream by Lush. Still no joy. I have been taking Moor Mud baths, olive oil baths with plenty of soaking at least every 2 days. This soothes my skin and keeps the eczema controlled. Good thing the Moor Mud moisturises skin up to 7% more than clay does.

I am moisturising with olive oil and shea butter. As for my face, as it is more delicate, I’m just using olive oil. I’m avoiding cleansers and toners, even natural ones, as anything could irritate my face as it is papery at the moment.

I Week Raw Food Challenge to Ban Itchy Skin

My shopping list includes the following:

10 cucumbers

5 celery heads

4 packets of carrots 1kg each

1 bunch of beetroot

3 bunches of parsley

3 bags of kale

10 tomatoes

3 onions

5 lemons

1 large fresh ginger root

5 bulbs of garlic

6 plantain, yellow with no black marks

1 packet of walnuts (1kg)

6 medium avocados

1 packet of sunflower seeds (1kg)

1 broccoli

1 packet of black-eye beans (peas) (500g)

1 packet of aduki beans (500g)

1 packet of green lentils (500g)

Update: September 4

My skin is much better but rather dry due to running out of Black Seed oil. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for skin and eczema. Meanwhile, I’m not itching anymore due to cutting out sweet food. Great! I’ve also been drinking more green juice at least three times a day.

A typical juice recipe;

Green Bonanza

1 cucumber

1 whole celery

1 avocado

1/4 cup sunflower seed sprouts (simply soak sunflower seeds overnight)

Lemon slice


Juice celery sticks and lemon, then blend with sliced cucumber, avocado and sunflower seed sprouts.

Share the grace and enjoy! Makes 2 8oz (250ml) cups of smoothie

Recipe 2;

2 Cucumbers

1 tablespoon of flaxseeds

1 celery

1 broccoli

1 slice of lemon


  1. Juice the celery and chopped broccoli, and lemon and pour into a blender.
  2. Add the flaxseeds and sliced cucumber to the juice and blend on high speed til the seeds are finely ground in the juice.

Makes about 3 cups of smoothie.

Recipe 3;

Simply Salad

1 Plantain, yellow with no black spots

1 avocado

2 carrots

1/4 handful of parsley, chopped

1/4 onion

2 tomatoes

1 slice of lemon

1 8oz cup of mung bean sprouts


To grow you sprouts within 3 days;

  1. Soak beans in enough water overnight
  2. Next morning drain and rinse
  3. Put beans in a glass jar or sprout jar and leave on the kitchen window sill or where they can get some sunlight.
  4. In the evening drain beans and rinse
  5. Next morning drain beans and rinse
  6. In the evening drain and rinse beans. They should have started growing a little white tail by now.
  7. On day 3 they are ready to eat. The sprouted tails should be about 1 inch long.


  1. In a blender, put the chopped avocado and blend with lemon juice and half a cup of the bean sprouts.
  2. Chop the cucumber, celery, tomato, onion, carrots into bit-sized pieces. And put on a plate.
  3. Top the salad with the avocado and sprouts and chopped parsley.

Job Done! Share grace, and enjoy….

10 thoughts on “1 Week Raw Food Challenge”

  1. Always heard those are green smoothies vegetable drinks whatever you like to call him is very good for a lot of parts of your body.

    Stands to reason it would be good for your skin cuz I’m making threes good for a lot of your organs and after all your skin is the largest organ in your body.

    I have no experience with all of this I’m learning as I read your wonderful article I’ve never been around anybody with Eximus or psoriasis.

    I thought for a small. At the time I was getting psoriasis but it was an allergic reaction on the side of my arm I sent my rubbed up against.

    I would like to try your raw food challenge for possibly other physically she’s we might have after all I’m not young anymore and my poor old decrepit body could probably use all the help I can get

    Thank you for your very informative article,

    Bill Wright 

    • Eating raw food for 1 week will give you more energy, but if you try it for 30 days, you will take some years off your body.  It is a different way of eating, but very easy to prepare.  

      Always remember, one or two water vegetables like cucumber, tomatoe.  Plus avocado, one leafy vegetables and nuts and seeds to become more filling.  That’s a basic salad, then you can add more vegetables of your choice and decorate your plate.

      You can even add weight with a raw food diet, so go easy on the nuts and seeds…3 tablespoons instead of 1 cup full.

  2. Hi Stella

    Your article is so informative and so easy to understand and you have given so many helpful hints on how to deal with Eczema which unfortunately is a nasty problem for so many including both children and adults. 

    Hopefully people will benefit from you tips. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post and all the best for the future.


  3. This is a cool challenge to try. I have been reading a lot about different dieting alternatives. And this challenge is exciting.

    I really like green juices but, believe it or not, I haven’t tried Green Bonanza. I will follow this recipe and then share with you how I felt it was. Thank you for this juice with cucumbers.

  4. Eating raw food for one week? That sounds outlandish to meat lovers. Thinking of it, it’s very doable. And I say this because I have my challenge that I’m almost clocking three weeks. I decided, for no reason at all, to stop putting sugar in my tea every day. So far, so good. Therefore I also think this is possible. My body might feel weird for a day or two if I take this up.

    • You’ll be absolutely fine if you eat plant-based foods in large enough amounts.  However, you might lose excess fat if you have any…

      Well done on giving up sugar for this period of time.  I’m sure you feel much better for it.

  5. Thanks for sharing your journey to help others with their own eczema battles. It can be such a frustrating thing to deal with so it’s helpful to find approaches that will minimize the flareups and help to calm things down. While a week of raw food seems like a challenge, it’s helpful that you’ve spelled out some recipes and a shopping list. 

    • Yes, I have several recipes up my sleeves…the shopping list is quite straight forward and not too expensive.  Although the price of the shopping list can vary from region to region.

      Eczema is just very irritated dry, red and rough skin.  The key is to get the inflammation down and heal the  scars.

      Hence the articles on this site.


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